
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Donna's Top Reads of 2011

So the end of 2011 is fast approaching and we thought it would be a good idea to show you what we thought were our favourite reads of 2011 were.  We're going to be doing to separate posts because Jess and I have read different books this year, so I will be starting and Jess will feature later on in the week. 

Now when you look at my list you may see there is more than one book listed by a certain number. I know this may be cheating but these are all books that I read in 2011 and are apart of the same series. I tried to break them down to my favourite one but....I couldn't. I felt guilty for not picking all of them so I have picked them all! Yay! 
So let's get started! 
Number 10: 
Starcrossed by Joesphine Angelini
Why I chose Starcrossed: Starcrossed was one of those novels that I just knew I was going to love and when I read it, I was left with that wow feeling. Greek Mythology is fast becoming my favourite and I think Josephine did an awesome job with it. Not only that but the Starcrossed lovers was just epic and I'm dying to see what happens next. 
See my review for Starcrossed.

Number 9: 
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
Why I chose Silence: Ahhh Silence. Where to start? This book being my top 9 is mainly because of Patch. When I read Hush Hush I fell in love with him but Crescendo kind of fell flat for me....I lost that spark for him. Now I know a lot of people had mixed reviews for Silence but I still feel now that it was by far the best. Patch is back and better than ever. You see a totally different side to him and it makes you fall in love with him even more. Becca did a fantastic job with this book and I'm dying to read book four. 
See my review for Silence. 

Number 8: 
Firelight / Vanish by Sophie Jordan

Why I chose Firelight/Vanish: This for me was a totally unique series. I remember reading Firelight and I was just totally amazing at the amount of creativity that had gone into the story. The Draki's felt so real to me that it was easy to picture their world. And of course, Vanish was a great sequel. 
See my review for Firelight / Vanish

Number 7: 
Nightshade / Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer
Why I chose Nightshade / Wolfsbane: Nightshade was my very first read for 2011 and it started  bang! Ren and Shay? Do I need to say more? Lol. It wasn't just the hot guys that made this book for me but the story that Andrea created was just so amazed me. I'd seriously recommend these books to any wolf fans. 
See my review for Wolfsbane 

Number 6: 
Perfect Chemistry Series by Simone Elkeles 
Why I chose the Perfect Chemistry Series: It pains me to put these books at number 6 but I couldn't do it any other way. Simone Elkeles work is what converted me to love young adult contemporary. I mean after reading her work how could you NOT love it? It's raw, it's intense and full of passion. It just makes your heart melt. I picked the whole series as my number 6 because even though I love Rules of Attraction more....I think they were all awesome in there own way. But yeah...Carlos is my favourite brother. 

So is where I get to hard top 5! 

Number 5: 
Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson 
Why I chose Hunting Lila: Hunting Lila was Sarah Alderson's debut novel and boy was it a great novel. From page one your captivated into Lila's world and I just wanted more and more. Lila was one of the best female leads I've read about this year and the secondary characters were second to none. Alex? Jack? Need I say more? Even after finishing this novel it stuck with me for days and even now I'm still thinking of that quote from Alex.....“When you came down the stairs, and fell into me, that was the moment.” OMG!!! Talk about taking your breath away. Pure awesomeness! 
See my review for Hunting Lila.

Number 4: 
The Mortal Instrument Series by Cassandra Clare
Why I choseThe Mortal Instrument Series: So I want to admit something right now...before I started this series...I DID NOT WANT TO READ IT!!! Shocking! I know right? I ended up reading this as a buddy with a friend and my god did I get one hell of a shock. I could have smacked myself for not starting this series so yeah, it's safe to say this series took me by surprise and left me utterly speechless. Cassandra Clare is a pure genesis and her work just keeps getting better and better. I love all her characters that now when I read her books I feel like there friends. I miss them when I'm not reading about them and book 5 in the series can not come soon enough. 
See my reviews for City of Fallen Angels.

Number 3: 
Angel Fire by LA Weatherly
Why I chose Angel Fire: Ahhhh I'm so sad I couldn't put this as my number two because I absolutely adored this book! LA Weatherly totally out did herself with Angel Fire because I loved her Angel the first book in the series but to love this one even more was fantastic. For 700 pages I was in love every single part of this book and I even after finishing it, I wanted more. I felt every emotion possible during this book, I cried,  I laughed and I loved it! Fantastic job to the author!!
See my review for Angel Fire.

Number 2: 
Half-Blood/Pure by Jennifer L Armentrout
Why I chose The Covenant series: I honestly had a tough time not putting these two books as my number one. I really wanted to because there are just PURE AWESOME! Jennifer L Armentour has taken the writing world by a storm this year and I seriously hope she's here to stay. Her writing is like nothing I've ever read before, she knows how to give that little bit that keeps us interested and she is especially well known for creating hot characters. Aiden...I love him! could you not? I need book three and four like now because I'm dying to know what happens next....I just adore this series and I know only good things can come next. 
See my review for Half-Blood.

Number 1: 
The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa
Why I chose The Iron Fey Series: Yay!!!! My number one is this awesome series. It was a close call between number two and this but how could I turn my back on my beloved Ash! I'm so pleased I read this series this year because mainly I was never a fan of Fae...but Julie Kagawa soon changed my mind with her awesome and intense series that honestly took my breath away. I adore everything about this series, the characters and the Faerie world. I don't think Julie could of created such a perfect set of books that just complete each other and adding The Iron Knight was just the PURE AWESOME! Ash! I do seriously love him!!!! I highly recommend you read this series if you haven't already! 
See my review for The Iron King / The Iron Daughter / The Iron Queen / The Iron Knight 

So that's it! My top reads of 2011. I'm really sad I couldn't fit some many other awesome books in like The Fever Series, The Night Huntress Series and of course The Hunger Games. These books will all be my favourite but I've based my top reads on how I feel about the books now and the ones that made it are the ones I'm dying to read again! 

I hope you've enjoyed my top reads, if you have something similar please send me your links so I can look. Otherwise, Happy Reading & Happy Holidays!!!!


Tipsy Misty said...

Aww great list Donna! Nightshade and wolfsbane made my list to! (which ended up being a top 30!) and silence was my favourite in the series even though it didn't make my list. I'm so excited to read Half blood! And I bought Perfect chemistry since you love it so much and it was only £4 lol

Here’s my list if you wanna see x

Unknown said...

Some great books there Donna, I honestly don't know how you managed to sort out a top 10 ! Ive read some awesome books this year but wouldn't know where to start in rating them, I think i would put best part of my 5* books on and hope for the best ;)

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