
Sunday 11 December 2011

In My Mailbox (#35)

In My Mailbox 
Donna's IMM hosted by The Story Siren 

For Review:
Pure (Convenant #2) by Jennifer L.Armentrout
Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey
Fracture by Megan Miranda


Thank you to Spencer Hill Press, Bloomsbury & Best Books

*Special thanks to Spencer Hill Press for being so awesome for sending a ARC of Pure. I've read it, I loved it and my review will come in Feb guys are awesome!* 

What's in your mailbox this week?


tthepageturner said...

Ooh, love the cover for Stolen Away - so pretty! Fracture sounds awesome too! =)

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to all of these. I haven't read the 1st book that comes before Pure though, so that probably won't be coming soon for me. Stolen Away looks great though!

Unknown said...

The cover for Stolen Away looks amazing!, and I really want Fracture.

Anonymous said...

Struck looks really good and i cant wait to read Fracture. I hope you enjoy everything, come check out my IMM!

MeikkiBeibi said...

Looks like a good mix! :D It's always great to gets books in the mail. :)


Carina said...

I think I'll read my eGalley of Fracture sometime next week - sounds like such an awesome book! :) And I'm definitely looking forward to hear what you think of Stolen Away; it sounds really intriguing, too.

Enjoy and have a lovely week, hun!

Mel said...

I'm really curious about Fracture - I'm not sure if I will like it or not so will be lookinbg out for your review! :-)

Kristin @ Addicted to HEA said...

Stolen Away sounds really good! I love books about the Fae. And Fracture interests me b/c I love to read books that have settings in areas where I've lived. And all of your books have beautiful covers! Thanks for the TBR ideas!!

Here's My IMM

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

Struck looks so pretty! Lovely mailbox as usual :)
Have a great week and enjoy all your reads, Donna!

Tipsy Misty said...

Oh pretty books, I've heard fracture is good :)

Reading Away The Days said...

Happy Reading! I still haven't read Jennifers first book but I have heard the books are great! Stop by my blog to see what I got:

Book Passion for Life said...

Thanks all! I can not wait to start some of them. Pure I've already read it was AWESOME!!! :)

Adriana C said...

Great books! You got pure, that´s awesome.
Fracture is another of the books in my TBR 2012.
Have a great week!

Lesley said...

Fracture is on my TBR list too, I will need to watch out for your review Donna:)

Unknown said...

The cover for Struck is gorgeous! Enkoy!

My Mailbox

Kate @ Kates Book Life said...

I love the cover for Struck its so pretty! I actually want all of these books they sound amazing. Hope you enjoy all you new books

~Sara @ Just Another Story said...

I've seen Fracture around a lot this week, I am eager to read it. I hope you like it, and all the other books you received!

~Happy Reading!

Haley @ YA-Aholic said...

It's probably a good thing I don't live by you Donna, I would probably come to your house and steal all your freakin AWESOME books you get!!!! I am so jealous!!!!! Can't wait to see alll your reviews doll!(:

Anna @ Literary Exploration said...

I hope Fracture is a good one! I have the e copy from Netgalley so I'm looking forward to it!

Anna @ Literary Exploration

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