
Thursday 1 September 2011

Book Passion's Swag Winners

The three UK lucky winners who win the following goodies are:  
1) Sahina Bibi 
2) Hazel Rush
3) Mel S 
The three lucky international winners who win the following are: 

1) Manda (USA)
2) She's Known as Jess (AUS) 
3) Misha (Czech Rep) 

And finally the lucky winner that wins any book of their choice to the value of £7/$10 is:

1) Braiden (AUS)

Congrats to all the winners! Thank you to all the people who entered. Winner's were picked Random.Org and now will be emailed within the next hour. Winners will have 48 hours to reply to our emails otherwise new winners will be picked. 


Sahina said...

Ahhh soo excited to win this! Thanks SO much! <3

Haley @ YA-Aholic said...

Congrats winners!!! and congrats Sahina yay! (:

Mel said...

Yay! Thanks soooo much guys - looking forward to some yummy treats there!! :-)

Amanda said...

Yayy, I won! This is so great, I hardly ever win anything. :) Thanks!!

Hayley said...

Congrats to the winners :D

I have my own giveaway going on right now you you want to stop by and check it out :) It's only for US/CAN, but for the swag portion I am willing to ship internationally :D So go check it out!

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Graphics by Octopus Artis