Welcome to Book Passion for Life's eighth US vs UK book cover battle. We've seen this posted on a few other blogs, and thought we'd jump on the band wagon!
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
Yep! As you can tell we've had another day change....We will now be posting US vs UK on a Monday as we can take part in My Book Boyfriend on a Wednesday.
The Scores so far are:
US: 2 Wins UK: 1 Wins Draw: 4 Wins
Forgive my Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
Jess says: Ah Forgive my Fins. I have this sitting on my shelf at the moment. It'll be my next read as I need to review it for the blog tour. Back to the covers. I like them both, but I think I find myself leaning more towards the US cover for this one. I love the colours, I love the font. I pretty much love it all. I do like that the UK has kept consistent with the colours as well, but when this book was published, I was drawn more towards the US cover.
Donna says: I love this book. I really can't wait for Jess to read it so we can see her review for the Forgive my Fins blog tour. Anyway, I used to really like the US cover but since the UK cover has been released, its tops it! The girl on the cover looks like someone I know actually, which is pretty freaky but I just love the UK cover. I love the style of writing, I love the little bubbles that have been added....I just love it. I do plan on buying this series on hardback but I'll 100% wait for the UK one.
Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead
Jess says: I love this series, its one of my favourite by Richelle Mead. But in this case, I prefer the UK cover to the US. I find that the UK cover is full of excitement. It just draws me in a lot more. However, I do feel that the US cover model is a 'slightly' better model for Georgina Kincaid than the UK model. Just sayin'.
Donna says: There's really no question about it with these covers. The US cover is sooo....boring. It doesn't really attract my attention. Its so dark and yep, boring! The UK cover still isn't that much better but least there is a bit of colour on it and you see the alot more detail on it. UK wins for me.
Which do you prefer?
Okay guys, this weeks US vs UK goes to UK with three votes!
Tune in next week for more :)