
Saturday 9 June 2012

A Review for Fateful by Claudia Gray

Posted by Jess
Release Date: March 29th, 2012
Finished Date: May 30th, 2012
Publishers: HaperCollins
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
Buy : Amazon UK / Amazon US 

A tragic tale about falling in love on the world’s most infamous ill-fated sea voyage as heroine, Tess, discovers darker secrets that lie beneath the doomed crossing… and a hidden brotherhood that threaten to tear her lover from her forever.

The RMS Titanic is the most luxurious ship ever built, but for eighteen-year-old Tess Davies it’s a prison. Travelling as a maid for the family she has served for years, Tess is trapped in their employ amid painful memories and family secrets.

When she meets Alec, a handsome upper class passenger, Tess falls helplessly in love. But Alec has secrets of his own… and soon Tess is entangled in a dangerous game. A sinister brotherhood that will do anything to induct Alec into their mystical order has followed him onboard. And Tess is now their most powerful pawn.

Tess and Alec fight the dark forces threatening to tear them apart, never realising that they will have to face an even greater peril before the journey is over…

The Review: “He frames my face with his hands as he says, "Tess. Only you could be brave enough to die with me. But I want you to live for me."
We kiss, as desperate as though we were drowning. When our lips part, Alec says, "Forgive me.” -Tess
When I first found out about this book, I got really excited! A book set on the Titanic! I love everything Titanic, and the idea of a YA book set on it seemed amazing. 
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it a little slow to start but it really picked up. Tess is our heroine and Lady's Maid. She's about to board the Titanic with the family she works for and head to America where she plans to quit her job and start a fresh. Easier said than done.
I'd not read anything by Claudia Gray before, but I have heard that she's a good writer, and this comes across in Fateful. Claudia Gray has managed to tell a story based on a true event and make it her own. Whilst also being historically accurate in places. Most of the reviews I'd read were good so I was super excited to read this. Claudia Gray managed to build mystery at the start of the book and continue it on through out the rest. I was completely (excuse the insensitive pun, I mean no disrespect) 'drowning' in the story. I loved every moment. Including the wolves. Yes, you read correctly. Claudia Gray created a paranormal romance meshed together with a historical time and although I did find it a little far fetched I thought it was executed really well and I ended up enjoying it. If you like paranormal and anything wolves and you enjoy historical romances then this is probably a good book to get started on.
Claudia Gray has written really well with regards to the divide in classes during the time, it's very difficult to know how it all truly worked, there's only so much people can record of history, but Claudia Gray has done really well in researching the divide in classes and you get the full effect in Fateful.
Now the ending. This is where a star drops. For me, I thought the book was wonderful, and completely different, but the ending just seemed all too convenient for me. Are we talking about a possible happy ending when dealing with The Titanic? I'll let you all decide for yourselves. I liked the ending but in  way I'm not sure I did. I'm still on a mixed feeling about it. It just felt too convenient. But hey, maybe to others it really works. Although this book is written as a standalone, Claudia Gray left it, what I felt was open to a possible sequel. And I'd be happy with that.
So if you're looking for a fun and quirky read set on the R.M.S Titanic, then definitely read Fateful. 


annabelle.hammond said...

I love the titanic but I was so cautious to pick up this book. I didn't want the mystery of the whole real event to be pushed aside by werewolves. It's such a tragic event i didn't want to see an author mess with it. I'm still not sure whether to read it or not but you've definetly made me want to give it  a chance.

Emily Blake said...

Omg I loved this book!!! I read it a while ago and it blew me away! I'm so glad you liked it and great review!! :)

~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

NatashaParanormalGoddess said...

Fantastic book review Jess. While reading your review, I found myself agreeing with everything you said, especially what you said about the book ending a bit predictable. At times I even saw bits of writing similar to parts from the James Cameron 'Titanic' movie. Did anyone else see any similar parts from the movie as well ?

Sam @ Realm of Fiction said...

I really like the sound of this book! Even though you found it a little slow to start, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I like the sound of a Titantic setting. Great review! 

Angie F said...

 Great review! This one is on my to-read, but I just haven't gotten to it yet. I love the combination of historical and paranormal romance, so this one sounds perfect for me! Now you've me very curious about what happens in the end...

Andrea Modolo said...

I know what you mean about the ending. I was a little disappointed with it, but everything else was very well done. You said it perfectly, Claudia Gray takes a historical event and makes it her own. Glad you enjoyed this one!

Tayte Hunter said...

I love the Titanic. I love werewolves. It's odd to hear them put together. Odd, but interesting. :D

Alyssa_Susanna said...

OMG I love this book!!! I twas soooo good. I wasn't a huge fan of Claudia Gray's other series (Evernight series? something like that), so I was hesitant to pick this one up, but I'm really glad I did. I hated the Titanic movie, but this book was a really good rendition of the story. Halfway through the book, I forgot about the ship crashing and sinking! This book was so captivating, and it ended well. Five stars from me! And possible sequel you say?! That wouldn't be too bad :D
Thanks for the review!!!!
Alyssa Susanna 

Lili said...

I'm glad you really enjoyed this! I've really been trying to get into this series, so I think I may check it out.

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