Published Date: February 23rd, 2009
Finished Date: January 23rd, 2012
Source: Bought
Format: Paperback
Pages: 365
The Blurb from Goodreads: The wait is over. dig into the feast...
In the town of Morganville, vampires and humans live in relative peace. Student Claire Danvers has never been convinced, though especially with the arrival of Mr. Bishop, an ancient, old-school vampire who cares nothing about harmony. What he wants from the town's living and its dead is unthinkably sinister. It's only at a formal ball, attended by vampires and their human dates, that Claire realizes the elaborately evil trap he's set for Morganville.
The Review: Will you swear?" And Myrnin said, shockingly "I will." And he proceeded to, a string of swear words that made Claire blink. He ended with, '-frothy fool-born apple-john! Cheater of vandals and defiler of dead dogs!" and did another twirl and a bow.
Well Feast of Fools, definitely isn't a filler book. Although slow in the middle, it was probably the best one yet! Do these just keep getting better? Hmm...interesting.
I loved every minute of this one. I think it's safe to say I love Myrnin more now, and I know my love for him is going to keep growing. He's so incredibly scary, but fascinating, I think he's one of the most intriguing characters in this series so far.
Rachel Caine just keeps it coming. It's all constant, doesn't lack action; and is just incredible. Rachel Caine, manages to keep the back story up at the start of the book if people decide to just join in in the middle (not that you would), or if you need a refresher of after an MV break. So it doesn't lack information. She manages to make twists and turns through out, shocks, and cries. Swoons, and loves. Feast of Fools has it all, even a mega cliffhanger!
As I said at the beginning, this book isn't a filler. It's a continuance of an epically good vampire series, and one I've needed to read for a while now. I'm so glad that I am. I just want more and more.
All my favourite characters return, and some of the non so favourite characters, but that's what makes the story great. The one big thing I loved about this book was the way every Morganville vampire came together in their time of need to try and overthrow Master Bishop (unsuccessfully I might add). Vampire nemesis like Amelie and Oliver come together for the sake of the town, and I love the strength that Caine showed us in this book. Bringing everyone together for the sake of the town and it's residents.
Anyway, this book was great. That cliffy at the end was a killer! But, luckily for me, I had Lord of Misrule right at my side and ready to begin. And I've begun and I can't wait to get more, and more, and more! Because there are, more, and more!
:) so glad your enjoying the series!!! The books are amazing
I love love love this book series :D
I LOVE this series!
I've reed till' the book eight, and I'm practically CRAVING for Ghost Town!!!! The best was Lord of Misrule!! Shane + Claire!!
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