Finished Date: May 30th, 2011
The Blurb: Since her mother's death, fifteen-year-old Jem has kept a secret. When her eyes meet someone else's, a number pops into her head - the date on which they will die. Knowing that nothing lasts forever, Jem avoids relationships, but when she meets a boy called Spider, and they plan a day out together, her life takes a new twist and turn. Waiting for the London Eye, she sees everyone in the queue has the same number - something terrible is going to happen.
The Review: After receiving this book for review I was really looking forward to starting it and after reading a few....not so great books recently, I was praying this wouldn't let me down and guess what? It didn't!
The story follows Jem who has been in the care system ever since she was 7 years old after her mother died of a drug overdose. She's always been able to see numbers on people, numbers she wasn't sure what meant but after her mother dies she finally understand that they are the date of death for that person.
After making friends with a boy named Spider, they decide to skip school and take ride on the London Eye but Jem suddenly notices that all the people in the queue all have the same date of death....and that its today's date! This leads to Jem and Spider start their journey they are also being hunted down....as suspected terrorists.
I'm really surprised by this book and how much I liked it. To be honest, I'm not usually one for reading books based in London. I just feel sometimes author's give it a bit of a mis-conception about what British people are really like but Rachel Ward did a fantastic job. Her style of writing was so unique that you can really imagine the hard life that she created for poor Jem but she also managed to create a really likeable character too. Spider of course was great and although Jem & Spider both had there own issues, it was nice to see their story come together. It was really sweet at times to watch and I loved their relationship but of course, I'm so upset that Jem can see Spider's date of death. So sad!
There were so many great scene's in this story, the rain scene was a highlight for me. It really showed the emotion between both characters and you could really feel what they felt, it was truly beautiful. The cliffhanger was also another one, not one I expected but a great addition to the book.
Overall, Rachel Ward has done a fantastic job creating this world surround by death. Not only was it exciting but it completely draws you in that I just have to go and purchase book 2. If you haven't read it, read it, your'll love it!
This is a series that I really want to read!
Great review.
Sounds interesting. I haven't heard much about this book, so thank you for sharing! Great review.
Erin @ Quitting My Day Job
Thanks for this review, have this one to read and think it sounds really unique =)
Great review- I have this one to read soon (hopefully!) and it sounds really good. x
I really liked this one too! The third one is coming out soon!!!!
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