Published Date: November 10th, 2011
Finished Date: March 14th, 2012
Publishers: Gollancz
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Pages: 321
The Blurb from Goodreads: Clouds are brewing over Cadogan House, and recently turned vampire Merit can't tell if this is the darkness before the dawn or the calm before the storm. With the city itself in turmoil over paranormals and the state threatening to pass a paranormal registration act, times haven't been this precarious for vampires since they came out of the closet. If only they could lay low for a bit, and let the mortals calm down. That's when the waters of Lake Michigan suddenly turn pitch black-and things really start getting ugly. Chicago's mayor insists it's nothing to worry about, but Merit knows only the darkest magic could have woven a spell powerful enough to change the very fabric of nature. She'll have to turn to friends old and new to find out who's behind this, and stop them before it's too late for vampires and humans alike.
The Review: “I have been given a third chance at life, even if the circumstances are somewhat disconcerting. You are mine, and we both know it.”
Drink Deep starts two months after the shocking and emotional ending of Hard Bitten. Merit is trying to move on with her life, she’s started training with Jonah to become a better fighter, she’s also joined the RG and now Cadogan House is under investigation where everyone is being put though tests. Could things get any worse? Actually they could. Merit starts having dreams of Ethan; dreams were he’s calling her name – but what do the dreams mean? She doesn’t know, so she seeks out Mallory’s help but unknown to Merit, dark forces are at work and suddenly she is betrayed by someone she loves.
Wow, Chloe Neill has a lot of balls doing what she did through-out this book. With Ethan dead, I was wondering if she could pull it off and create the same magic as the last few books, and while I think she did a great job, I missed Ethan too much. I still really enjoyed it but I missed the interaction between him and Merit, I missed the intense scenes and the banter between them. I do see how much hard work has gone into Drink Deep and yes, the ending is just amazing but I wished it had of been sooner. I’m totally Team Ethan and this series just wouldn’t be the same without him.
Despite the above, I still enjoyed this book. It had so many exciting twists and turns and the story itself took a major turn involving one of our beloved characters. I have to say well done to Chloe Neill for it because it wasn’t something I was expecting, so to say the least, it was a huge shock. My heart went out to those who were affected by the decisions of this one person (which I won’t name because I don’t want to spoil it for you) but while I was shocked by the events I can’t hate this person. Deep down they have gone off the deep end BUT they also created a lot of good too; i.e. Ethan! And I believe they had the best intentions at heart. They’ve lost their way and I’m sure with the strength and help of Merit, they will find their way again.
Now after finishing this book, I’m left with so many unanswered and I’m just dying to find out what happens next. So, roll on August 2012 when Biting Cold is released!
A huge thank you Gollancz for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

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