Wow, can you believe it's been one year today since we started up the blog. This year has gone super quick and lets just say it's been a fantastic year - we've never had so much fun.
Wow, can you believe it's been one year today since we started up the blog. This year has gone super quick and lets just say it's been a fantastic year - we've never had so much fun.
We wanted to start a blog because we have a passion to share books with other people and all the amazing bloggers, authors, followers and publishers that we've met over the last year each mean something to us. You've all helped us become successful and for that, we are truly grateful. We'd like to say a very special thank you to our guest reviewer Melanie for all her help with some of the review books - we couldn't do it without you! ;)
We've had so many big highlights this year from author interviews, epic books and fantastic giveaways, so to celebrate our 1 year, of course we have an awesome giveaway planned for you amazing people....so let's get started with another fantastic giveaway!
UK/EU/IRE Giveaway!
1 x signed paperback copy of Jessica Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey plus Vampire Academy book mark/pins/key ring and a selection of signed bookmarks and badges.
1 x paperback copy of Ghost Town by Rachel Caine + MV tattoo plus 2 x Andrea Cremer/Jeaniene Frost bookplates plus a Jeaniene Frost bookmark
International Giveaway!
2 x winners will win their book of choice for the value of £7 from TBD
1 x Haunting Violet tote bag, lip balm and book mark oh and badges too ;)
So there you guys have the prizes now let's go over the rules;
* UK/IRE/UK can also enter the international giveaway.
* Books from The Book Depository are only open to people that TBD deliver too.
* You must be a GFC follower to enter
* There is loads of extra entries so feel free to do as many as you like, they are not required to win but will increase your chances
* Winners will be announced on the rafflecopter form and winners will be emailed. A reply within 48 hours will be needed otherwise a new winner will be picked.
* Giveaway ends March 31st.
And thanks again for everyone's love and support over the last year. We cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us.

* UK/IRE/UK can also enter the international giveaway.
* Books from The Book Depository are only open to people that TBD deliver too.
* You must be a GFC follower to enter
* There is loads of extra entries so feel free to do as many as you like, they are not required to win but will increase your chances
* Winners will be announced on the rafflecopter form and winners will be emailed. A reply within 48 hours will be needed otherwise a new winner will be picked.
* Giveaway ends March 31st.
And thanks again for everyone's love and support over the last year. We cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Happy Blogoversary!!
*throwing confetti*
P.S.: There was no field to enter the country - I'm from Austria and apparently qualifying for all giveaways, yay!
No contry field! Italy for me :)
Happy Blogoversary! *also throws confetti*
There was no field to entry my country . . . so I'm from Australia!
Anyway thanks so much for the giveaway. I'm definitely eying off the Jeaniene Frost stuff . . . hehe.
Happy Blogoversary! This is very generous giveaway, thank you! :)
And for the country: Czech Republic.
Hello! And thanks a lot! First of all, congratulations on a wonderful year and blog. Regarding your giveaways, I'd love to win the swap. There's nothing like those things in my country, Spain. Thank you again :-).
Thanks for the giveaway!
Country: United Arab Emirates :)
Yay, Happy Blogversary!!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Happy blogoversary guys! :)
Happy Blogoversary & thank you so much for the opportunity to win all these amazing prizes!!!
Happy Blogoversary!
And thanks a lot for the giveaway.
Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks for this amazing giveaway and for making it international :).
Happy Blogoversary, ladies! I'm so glad to have found your blog and to have met you and I hope that you'll celebrate many, many more blogoversaries! ♥
Happy Blogoversary ladies <3 xxx
YAY ! :)
It's my blogversary in a couple of days too :D
Wow guys! A whole year! That is so amazing and your blog is definitely one of my favourites! :D Congrats! xx
Congrats on your one year! Mine is coming up in 10 days as well.
Wow, amazing giveaway and congrats on a year!
Congratulations on the one year mark, It takes incredible dedication and staying power to start a blog...and stick with it...and then have it be as successful as yours is! You ladies rock. I see so many friends of mine say (after reading my own blog) "Oh I want to start a blog!" And then they do...and 2,3,4 posts later? They disappear into that place where blogs go to die. Maintaining a blog is hard work and BookPassionForLife is such a rich, fun, and detailed book blog (hence tons of time and effort I imagine.) Happy anniversary
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! there really isn't much more to say!! CONGRATS!!!!!
I'm proud to say I've been a follower since the beginning!! I love it!! @Donna! you rock! and hope this next year I get to know Jess more and the guest reviewer! Sorry that I've been a silent stalker this last few weeks but have been busy with school and also...sick T_T
Congrats again!
Happy Blogoversary! This is very generous giveaway, thank you! :)
And for the country; suriname
Sorry for being one day late :\ But, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! :D I love your blog. <33 And I'm hoping you guys will blog for a long time :D Also, thank you for this amazing giveaway. <3
Love, Carina
Congrats on you anniversary!!! BPFL is a great blog and I'm really happy for your success!
Happy 1 year! Bet that flew by.....here's to many many more blogging years to come. CHEERS!
Happy Blogoversary sweethearts!!! May you have many more! You are doing a terrific job with this blog! hugs x
Happy Blogoversary! You guys have done a fantastic job and keep up the great work! May many more years to come!
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire
Happy blogoversary girls and many more to come :)
Happy Blogversary!
happy blogoversery...
thanks for this making international giveaway..iam from indonesia...
success for you ^^
icha09 at gmail dot com
Happy Blogoversary !!!
Thank so Much for making it International Giveaway...
More successfull for You..
Regards from Indonesia xD
happy blogaversary :D
im from Indonesia, and thanks for making this International..
e :sunshine_pinkystar(at)yahoo(dot)com
Happy blogoversary!!
Happy blogoversary to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :) Yay! Thank you for the giveaway! :D
Happy 1st Blogoversary!!!!
Happy Blogoversary!!! Many more and thank you for the great giveaway.
Happy blogoversary guys. Keep up the amazing work. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway :)
What an awesome giveaway!!!
Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway and, of course, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! :D
WOW Great GIVEAWAY! SO GENEROUS!!!!!!! :))))
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