Published Date: September 27th, 2011
Finished Date:
Publishers: Tor Teen
Source: From Author for Review
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 352
The Blurb from Goodreads: The year is 1871, and Tiki has been making a home for herself and her family of orphans in a deserted hideaway adjoining Charing Cross Station in central London. Their only means of survival is by picking pockets. One December night, Tiki steals a ring, and sets off a chain of events that could lead to all-out war with the Fey. For the ring belongs to Queen Victoria, and it binds the rulers of England and the realm of Faerie to peace. With the ring missing, a rebel group of faeries hopes to break the treaty with dark magic and blood—Tiki’s blood.
Unbeknownst to Tiki, she is being watched—and protected—by Rieker, a fellow thief who suspects she is involved in the disappearance of the ring. Rieker has secrets of his own, and Tiki is not all that she appears to be. Her very existence haunts Prince Leopold, the Queen’s son, who is driven to know more about the mysterious mark that encircles her wrist.
The Review: 4.5 out of 5: The Faerie Ring is an enchanting and heart-warming story that is beautifully written and will leave readers completely mesmerized by Kiki Hamilton’s debut novel.

This story follows a 16 year old girl named Tiki who lives in an abandoned shop with her four friends, who she considers her family because they are all orphans. Trying to survive is the key thing for them and the only way they can survive is by pick pocking from the rich people in the city of London. One night whilst looking for food to take home, Tiki comes across an opportunity to steal a beautiful ring. Does she steal it? Yes she does but she quickly realises that the ring actually belongs to the Queen of England. Tiki has no other choice but to return the ring but not before she can collect the reward to make a better life for her and family. As she goes on a journey to return the ring to it’s right full owner and trying to collect the reward, Tiki is thrown into a dangerous world that involves her and the Fae….opening up secrets that she never ever believed were real.
I have to admit I’m not a fan of historical fiction and I haven’t read many books that specialise in this genre because I’m not really interested in history, however when I heard about The Faerie Ring; A Fae story set in London, I knew I had to read it! And boy am I glad I read it because it was such a magical journey.
Kiki Hamilton did a fantastic job with this novel! It’s captivating and engrossing and once I got past the first 50 pages which I did find a little slow, I couldn’t put it down. It’s one of them novels that slowly creeps up on you and makes its way into your heart. I honestly wasn’t prepared to enjoy it as much as I did and now I’m dying to continue Tiki’s story with the next book.
Tiki is a great character. You instantly like her as you get to know her and feel bad for her situation. Here is a child trying to support and feed other children out of the kindness of her heart. There is nothing Tiki wouldn’t do to protect these children and she goes to the end of the earth to do it. I just loved how genuine, kind and strong she is. With all the madness of stealing the ring, Tiki doesn’t realise she has someone protecting her; Rieker. A fellow pick pocket who she believes wants to claim the ring for him self but Rieker is genuinely trying to help her.
You all know I’m a romance fan and any book without romance for me, isn’t good so even though this book only touches on romance, I still really enjoyed it. The way Tiki and Rieker’s relationship develops literally left me bundle of nerves because their scenes together were full of suspense. I really enjoyed watching them fall in love and it really touched my heart. Mainly because Rieker has secrets and these secrets were seriously SHOCKING! I loved the twist that Kiki put on him as a character because it was one I wasn’t expecting. It’s safe to say I totally feel for him! ;)
All the secondary characters were second to none. I loved how we got to see alterative views from Tiki and the Princes which made me enjoy the story that much more and of course, the Fae. The Fae were awesome and totally different from what I’ve previously read so I’m more than eager and curious to read more!
Overall, The Faerie Ring is a must read! Even if you not a fan of historical fiction like I was, I guarantee this novel will leave you dying to read more and I am already eagerly awaiting the release for The Torn Wing in 2012.
A huge thank you to Kiki Hamilton for providing me with a review copy of this book.

Awesome Review ! I'm not a fan of historical set fiction either but it still sounds great so I might give it a go :)
You had me at a fae tale set in London! I love the sound of this book - and I do appreciate that the romance builds rather than being instant. One book that will go on my shopping list after my ban finishes next week! Thanks :)
Thanks for being part of The UK blog tour for The Faerie Ring :) I will be spreading the word about the post! Great review, I am glad you enjoyed it Donna :)
Ooh I'm so glad to hear you liked it even though you're not into historical fiction because I'm not either and I was really hesitating on this one even though it sounds great. I'll definitely give it a try then!
Xpresso Reads
Wow! This looks good!! On the TBR list for sure! THANKS for the heads up.
I totally adore this book!! I agree with you in that the first 50 pages were slow - and I also agree that the rest took off and was totally unputdownable! :D I really enjoyed the simplicity of Tiki and Rieker's relationship - and OMG! Rieker's character had me SO SHOCKED!! I was seriously so excited about it! :D And now I just can't wait for the second book...sooooo excited!! :D
Sierra @ Yearning to Read
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