Posted by Donna
Release Date: October 23rd, 2014
Finished Date: December 5th, 2014
Publishers: Bloomsbury Children's
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Ages: 3-6 years
Source: For Review
Format: Hardback
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Ages: 3-6 years
Source: For Review
Format: Hardback
Pages: 32
Amelie and Nanette are very excited! Christmas is coming, and they are busy making their fairy costumes for the party at school. There are cakes to bake and paper chains to make too. But on the day of the party, poor Nanette starts to shiver and sneeze - and has to stay at home! They are both very sad, but when Nanette gets better, a special fairy comes to visit, and Pilou the dog delivers a sack full of cards from her school friends!
The Review: Amelie and Nanette: Snowflakes and Fairy Wishes was the perfect way to head into the Christmas period!
This was the first time I've ever read a story by Sophie Tilley and it definitely won't be my last because my daughter and I really enjoyed Amelie and Nanette's story. The last few books we've read together have been great but rhyming stories, this wasn't. This is just a normal story about two best friends looking forward to Christmas coming and find themselves very busy because of a school party that they will be attending. The problem is, Nannette gets sick on the day of the party and has to stay home. But Amelie is determined that Nanette won't miss out.
It's a beautiful and fun story about the true meaning of being best friends. You can see how much both of these girls care for one another during only a short period. I believe it also sends a message to young children that they will always have that one good friend that will do anything for you.
The illustrations aren't as modern as some of other books we've read but more of an older feeling to it - but still, it didn't stop us enjoying the story any less.
In all, a perfect festive read to get you and you're little ones in the mood for Christmas and hopefully this won't be our last tale from Amelie and Nanette.
Thank you to Bloomsbury Books for giving me the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.

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