
Sunday 5 August 2012

Showcase Sundy (#12)

Showcase Sunday is a new weekly meme hosted by Vicky @ Books Biscuits and Tea. We will now be taking part in Showcase Sunday instead of In My Mailbox. If you'd like to join see HERE for more details.

Donna's Showcase

For Review:
Breathe by Sarah Crossan
The Repossession by Sam Hakwsmoor
Last Summer by Rebecca A.Rogers 
The Forsaken by Lisa Stasse (See my review HERE) 
Endlessly by Kiersten White (See my review HERE)
Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan 

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
A BIG thank you to Simon & Schuster who gifted me this book. I've already read it but they sent me one anyway and it's definitely a keeper.


A big thank you to Bloomsbury, Hachette, Rebecca A.Rogers, HarperCollins, Macmilliam & Simon & Schuster.


Mist_BookaholicsBookClub said...

I'll have to pick up a copy of beautiful disaster when it comes out :)
Enjoy your new books, well the ones you haven't read yet lol

Brodie said...

I must get my hands on Endlessly and The Forsaken soon! The Forsaken just sounds SO good and I really adore the Paranormaly series, I can't wait to see how it all ends for Evie and co.  I've been seeing Beautiful Disaster around a lot and I'm insanely curious, I think I'm going to have to cave in and check it out. And Breathe!! Jealous! I love my dystopians, so I can't wait to get hold of that :D

Awesome books this week, enjoy!

Carina said...

I got BEAUTIFUL DISASTER from NetGalley (even though I really tried not to) and now can't wait to get to it - especially since sooo many people seemed to love it. :) Also excited for FORSAKEN, which I should be receiving next week - it sounds fabulous.

Happy reading, my dear!

nat cleary said...

Great books. Cant wait for Breathe and Spark. The Repossession sounds good and I have Beautiful Disaster on my Kindle but havent read it yet. Enjoy :) 

Fara Nani said...

You got Last Summer?! SO  jealous XD Awesome haul! :)

Fara @ Tumbling In Books

Mel S said...

You've just reminded me that I need to start reading Paranormalacy - it's been sitting on my shelf for far too long!
I got breathe this week as well and it looks great - I can't wait to start reading it! :-)

Emily Blake said...

Oooh, I got Last Summer too! I've already read it and it was really good. The Forsaken looks good too. Fantastic haul! :)


Sam @ Realm of Fiction said...

I'm reading Beautiful Disaster in a few books time (or maybe next if I can't contain myself) :P I'm really curious about it! It seems very love-or-hate. Great haul this week, Donna!

Angie F said...

I cannot wait for my library to get in Endlessly! I haven't read the first two books yet, but I've heard mostly amazing things about the series, so I'd love to read them all in a row. :)

Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

Unknown said...

Great haul... You got some really good books... Enjoy.

Jenea @ Books Live Forever
The Sunday Post

Zoe @ Bookhi said...

Breathe and The Forsaken look amazing, I hope you enjoy them! Awesome haul! :)
My SS:

Beatriz Lins said...

Great haul! These books sound really good; I've yet to grab a copy of Paranormalcy!
Enjoy your new books!

Here's what I got this week:

Carly Chambers said...

Awesome haul, Donna, I hope you enjoy them all! I got Breathe & Spark too but I would love Beautiful Disaster & Forsaken! :)

Mel @thedailyprophecy said...

Endlessly! Woehoe. I loved the other books and I can't wait to read that one. And I also want to read The Forsaken. Happy reading and great haul!

Paige Bradish said...

I'm so jealous of Spark! I loved Glow so I cannot wait to read Spark =) I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM =)

~Paige @ Comfort Books

Suzanne @ Paranormal Book Fan said...

Great books this week Donna. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I get Breath too. I have Beautiful Disaster to read soon, hope I love it too. Enjoy all your books :)

Carina Olsen said...

Oh, lots of awesome sweetie :D Hope you enjoy them all. <3 

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