Showcase Sunday is a new weekly meme hosted by Vicky @ Books Biscuits and Tea. We will now be taking part in Showcase Sunday instead of In My Mailbox. If you'd like to join see HERE for more details.
Donna's Showcase
For Review:
The Hunt by L.J Smith
This is So Not Happening by Kieran Scott
Hollow Pike by James Dawson
Embrace by Jessica Shirvington
Entice by Jessica Shirvington
The Wolf Princess
Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor - Sample
Early Birthday Present from Sam @ Realm of Fiction
A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley
Early birthday presents from my friend Nat
She actually sent me a amazon giftcard but these are the things I bought with it. Because I'm getting in cake making I bought essential tools.
Thank you so much Nat!
Early Birthday Present from Carly @ Fiction Fascinations
A big thank you to Sam, Nat & Carly - I love my presents, thank you so much! And thank you the publishers, Hachette, Simon & Schuster, Chicken House, Orion & Hodder's Childrens books.

o0o0o0 Embrace and Entice are awesome I hear, I have the whole series on my shelves, will read them sometime this month :D
I hope you enjoy all your books :-)
Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFicCome and check out my new weekly book haul feature, Stocktake Saturday.
AAAH, Donna! I'm crazy about yankee candles as well! ;) They are so good! Excited about your Laini Taylor book, hope you enjoy it!
Great books and presents!! The Wolf Princess looks good and I really need to get Darkness Falls by Cate Tiernan, really liked the first. <3
Embrace and Entice were both amazing.<3 Hope you enjoy them! And AHHH Days of Blod and Starlight! I don't care if it's just a sample that's aweosme! :D
Happy reading! ^__^
My Haul
Niiiicccceeee. I loved Embrace but haven't read the sequel yet. Is Darness Falls a re release ?
DUDE. The Violet Eden Chapters are freaking haunting me. No matter where I go in the blogosphere, they're EVERYWHERE. I've lost count the number of times I've seen them posted this week. And on twitter too. I get it, universe, you want me to hurry up and read them! I'll hopefully be diving into my copies very, very, very soon.
YOU GOT THE DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT SAMPLE!!!! Actually, I think I'd go a little crazy reading that since it'll likely stop at a really good part :P I hope you love it, though!!
And Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing year. That was so sweet of Sam, Nat and Carly!
Amazing haul this week, I really want to read Hollow Pike. I have not heard of The Wolf Princess but I do love the cover...I will have to check this one out :)
Check out my haul
Happy birthday Donna! :DDD Hope you enjoy Embrace and Entice. I’m up to Emblaze the third book and got Endless, the fourth, for review this week. Can’t wait to read these latest two. Jess is awesome.
I also had gotten Wolf Princess from Scholastic many weeks ago at a bookseller conference and I am actually pretty intrigued by it.
Enjoy :)
Awww, fabulous books and gifts, my dear! Happy reading!
Wow, hugeee haul! My birthday is coming up soon too, so I'm excited to receive some books then as well! ;) I loved A Little Wanting Song, not as much as Graffiti Moon, but it was wonderful nevertheless! Happy Reading! :D
~KeertanaIvy Book Bindings
some amazing books in your haul this week Donna! A little wanting song sounds amazing! I can't wait to get stuck into that either! Also Yay for This is so not happening! Hope you enjoy all your reads hun! :)
Hollow Pike is brilliant! I hope you enjoy it!
Letterbox Love!
Yay! Yankee candles, I'm absolutely addicted to them. I loved A Little Wanting Song so I'm eager to see what you think of it Donna.
Aw, happy early birthday! :D
Happy birthday in advance! ;) I love the sound of Hollow Pike, I am dying to get that one. Enjoy! :)
Happy Birthday! Such sweet presents. Enjoy your books, weekend and special day :)
Ahhh soo many awesome books hun!!! I love the cover on Darkness Falls (I think that's what the title says?! lol) I so want to read Jessica Shirvington's series! (: This is so Not Happening, and Wolf Princess look really good also! (: Enjoy! :D
Amazing haul!I hope you enjoy all these pretties & I look forward to your reviews! I hope the candles are yummy! :)
Ohh, lots of awesome :D Seems like great books ;) Hope you'll love them all. <3
Love, Carina @ Carina's Books
I love my Yankee candle Lesley. I need new smells for it now though. Lol
Should I admit that I haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone? LOL
They are Carly - thank you so much! I'm burning the blue one right now and it's LOVELY!! =)
I hope you enjoy everything you got this week!
My IMM =)
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