Hey all!
So we have two weeks worth of books to show you this week. We were feeling a bit lazy last week as we were both in a our Fifty Shades bubble, but we're back now...so let's get started.
Donna's In My Mailbox
For Review:
Black Moon (Silver Moon #2) by Rebecca A.Rogers (signed)
Pandemonium (Delirium #2) by Lauren Oliver
Toxic Treacle by Echo Freer
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth
Poison Heart by S.B Hayes
Switched by Amanda Hocking
Heaven by Christoph Marzi
Thank you Nat!!
Also from a friend on facebook I got a lovely hand-made book mark with "Books Are My Passion" on with a little wolf too :) Thanks Jessica!
Won from You Give = We Give:
Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis (signed)
Jumping to Confusions by Liz Rettig (signed)
My Rocky Romance Diary by Liz Rettig (signed)
My Now or Never Diary by Liz Rettg (signed)
Swapped from UK Swap:
Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti
Free eBooks off of Amazon UK
(Click on the book covers to be taken to Goodreads)
* I have read Evernight but it was free on pre-order with free bonus material, so I couldn't say no.
Bought eBooks off of Amazon UK
(Click on the book covers to be taken to Goodreads)
That's it for my IMM this week. Don't forget to leave your links below!
What's in your mailbox this week?
Jess's In My Mailbox
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Cinder by Marrisa Meyer
Prey by Rachel Vincent
Shift by Rachel Vincent
Alpha by Rachel Vincent
e-Books for Review:
(Click the book cover to be taken to Goodreads)
eBooks from Amazon
(Click the book cover to be taken to Goodreads)
Caged Moon was a free e-book from Amazon. As for The Reluctant Dom, after reading Fifty Shades I wanted something else in that genre and this was recommended to me by a GR friend. I have started it, but it's one I'm keeping in my private stash and reading as and when I can.
That's it for my IMM Box this week. Don't forget to leave your links below :)
Happy Reading.

Awesome mailboxes! :D So jealous of you Donna, for having gotten Struck :) So excited for that one. <3 I hope you both enjoy everything that you got :D
Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
Love, Carina @ Carina's Books
I am in serious swoon mode from your mailbox! Shadows !!! >.< WANTS ! oh and I just grabbed my own copy of Evernight! thanks for the heads up !I also see Cinder in there and all I can say is YAY I LOVED that book!
wonderfull IMM !!
here is mine :) http://thepassionatebookworm.blogspot.com/2012/02/purchased-i-broke-down.html
SO MUCH AWESOME! Donna! Struck and Pandemonium?! You lucky lady... and Jess you will LOVE Cinder and I've been meaning to read the Prey series for some time!
My Mailbox
O.O I WANT ALL OF THESE BOOKS. Even those I already own, because I i.e. don't own the paperback version of Alpha. Epic haul!
Happy Reading. :3
Aaa, Jess! There is nothing like withdrawal from Fifty! I don't think you'll be able to find something as satysfying as those books, but please let me know if you do. I'm on the look out too! :))
Great books, gals! I'm really curious about Dark of The Moon as a retelling of another Greek myth. Enjoy all your reads!
Oh my, Donna, when are you going to read all of this! So any books.
Both of you got some lovely books this week, looking forward to reviews and reactions. :)
Have a great Sunday!
Here's my IMM. ♥
Donna - Seraphina sounds SO good! Hope you enjoy it. :)
I'm currently working my way (slowly) through the Rachel Vincent werecat books and they're absolutely brilliant. So different from all the other werewolf-y books out there!
I've heard great things about Cinder too.
Have a great week :)
A few of your new books, ladies, are sitting on my shelf/kindle waiting for me to pick them up and a few are on my to-read list and angry at me for not having bought them yet. :D I hope you'll enjoy all of these!!!
Have a lovely week,
STRUCK is going to be AWESOME!!!! I'm so excited for that one :) Beautiful Disaster looks really good too! Can't wait to see what you ladies think!
Anna @ Literary Exploration
So many books there!
Donna - Struck looks really intriguing and Switched has a beautiful cover!
Jess - Yay! More Shifter books from Rachel Vincent! I love that series so much!
Wow a lot of books this week! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!
Great haul girls! Cinder is amazing, I hope you enjoy.
~Happy Reading!
Wowzers you had a fabulous week! I can't wait to read Struck! And I have to get Shadows soon! <3
Xpresso Reads
Wow! Awesome mailbox! I can't wait to get my finished copy of Pandemonium! Enjoy all your awesome new reads. :)
Fantastic IMM ladies!!!!!! So many awesome looking books. and Yeah Donna you got Struck!!!!!!
where on amazon do you fins the free ebooks?
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