
Monday 17 October 2011

US vs UK (#28)

Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 28th US vs UK book cover battle. We've seen this posted on a few other blogs, and thought we'd jump on the band wagon!

The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.

The Scores so far are: 
US: 6  UK: 13  Draw: 9

US vs UK Round 28

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan


Jess says: This is a tough one. But I think I prefer the US one. Only because the UK cover makes no sense to me. At least the US have stayed with a forest theme in the foreground of the cover. Apart from the creepy girl,  I really like it.

Donna says: I have to agree with Jess. I prefer the US. I'm not even sure what these books are about though so maybe once I've read them, the covers will make sense. 

Looking for Alaska by John Green


Jess says: I've heard of this book, and I remember reading the blurb and liking it. I think I prefer the UK on this one, I don't get the smoke. I like everything about the UK cover though.

Donna says: Again I agree with Jess. I really like the style of writing and the little flower on the UK. 

Which do you prefer?

Okay guys, this weeks US vs UK goes to....It's a tie! 

Come back next week for more US vs UK! :) 


TG said...

I think that flower-thing on the UK cover of The Forest of Hands and Teeth does look weird, however, it is a trilogy and I think the 3 UK covers look good together collectively.

I don't like the UK cover for Looking for Alaska, because it makes it look younger and less prestigious than it is.

Wee Shubba said...

A draw for Forest of hands and teeth. But the US for the looking for Alaska. It fits perfectly with the story. If you have read it you'd understand the smoke. :) also the yellow circle is an award that the book has won.

Bekka said...

LOL the giant yellow circle is the Printz award.

Book Passion for Life said...

Ohhh lol. I'm so stupid lol. Alright I'll remove that little bit in my part. *facepalm*

Braiden said...

Yeah that's the Printz award, and if you see correctly it's actually a candle :P

Anonymous said...

I love the US cover for Forest of Hands and Teeth. I know you said the girl is creepy, but I don't think she is - she reminds me of how I envisaged Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games actually.

I don't like either of the Looking For Alaska cover - bleugh. I'm sure the one I bought a few weeks ago was blue, or maybe purple - I can't remember, but it's definitely prettier than either of those.

Miss Page-Turner said...

The Uk cover of Forest of Hands and Teeth wins!
I thought the Uk cover of Looking For Alaska had a heart on it. The purple one The Slowest Bookworm is talking about, is my favourite:)

Danielle Smith said...

You haven't read The Forest of Hands and Teeth?! You are missing out! Great trilogy! My book doesn't have either of those covers and I think I like my cover best!

Michelle @ Much Loved Books said...

I prefer the US cover for Forset of Hands and Teeth, although I have yet to read it I think the US cover fits in more with the book, I have no idea how UK cover fits with the book.

For looking for Alaska I prefer the UK one, the US one is quite boring and doesnt stand out.

Klaudia said...

US for both. Especially for 'The Forest...' - I loooove it *-*

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

ha, Jess. Yeah, that UK cover for Forest makes no sense to me either.

US on both for me.

Love this feature!

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