
Monday 25 July 2011

Help us choose a new name...

Afternoon everyone,

So we've been discussing a few things between us, and one thing that came up was the name for our blog. Now, when we first created Book Passion for Life, we didn't know what we were doing; no clue. So we just sort of just picked a name that was quick and easy. Over the 4 months that we've been blogging, we've come across such awesome blogs with really catchy names; and it got us a thinking about ours. We came to the decision that sucks, lol. That's about the only word we can think of. 

So our point is, we've been thinking about possibilities for a new name. We're just changing the name; the blog layout and design will remain the same (even though we both like it with a black background). Anyway, we need your help. We've thought up of a few new names for the blog and we wanted your opinion on them, or if you have any catchy name ideas for us we'd be happy to take those into consideration. So the new (possible) names are as follows:

Too Many Books

Shelving Books

Stacks of Books

Readable Kingdom

Back to Books

Fictional Readers


Book Binders

So tell us what you all think, and please feel free to let us know of any names you've come up with that you think would work. 

If we decide to use one of the names that you have come up with, we will send you the book of your choice priced up to £10/$10 from the TBD (make sure they deliver to your country please) as a thank you for helping us choose a new name :) so get your thinking caps on bloggers and help us choose a new name! 

Thanks bloggers!

Happy reading


Tipsy Misty said...

Naw I like Book passion for life... Though bookracks is pretty funny, unless I'm the only one who's thinking of it the way I am haha

Hmm what 'Books ahoy!' .. No that's crap, I'll think about it lol


Hayley said...

I like Fictional Readers out of your ideas :)

how about Page turners, or Booking it through life?
I not very good at coming up with names...

Karla said...

I like both Bookracks and Book Binders! :)

Bookracks is the one that caught my eye first though..

Megan @ Book Brats said...

Hmm, what about Book Shelvers? Just Read It? That one is probably taken, LOL.

Ana LucĂ­a said...

I like the book passion for Life. But I also like Bookrackss :)

Unknown said...

I like Book Passion for Life. It's a great name! Says it all. Don't change it, K?

Book Passion for Life said...

Keep the opinions coming guys.

Dana-I know some of you like our name already, but we're really set on changing it. But thanks for the input anyway :)

Yiota said...

Hmmm... i kinda like your current name. At least more than the choices.

But since you decide to change i'm between two.

>Book Binders: I like this one because my mind goes to the old fashioned books which they were bind with strings. And i like old stuff. So it makes feel a nostalgia. It's a unique idea.

>Readable Kingdom: I like it and don't like it. Not fan of the Readable word. I feel a "blah blah" when i say. What about Book Kingdom? or Words Kingdom? or The Readers Kingdom? Everything with word kingdom sounds so epic!

Shawn Kirsten Maravel said...

How about:

Everything Books
(Since you cover a lot about books with your blog)


Passionate About Books
(a play off of the original name)


Brits on Books
(since you girls are both from the UK, hehe)


Something About Books
(not really sure why...haha)

I hope tat you liked one or two of those!!! :)

~ Shawn

Shawn Kirsten Maravel said...



Book Passion for Life said...

Wow Shawn...I seriously love Passionate About Books. That's a fab one!

Keep them coming everyone :)

Sahina said...

Ohh I do like the name BookBinders, that has a really nice ring to it. If you chose any from your selection definitely BookBinders.

But I came up with a few names too, thought you might be interested, I've set my new blog and I was listing possible names for mine but I haven't chosen any yet so I'll list out some possibilities I'm gona gna use and you're free to have if you like! :)

Inhaling Books, Scented Pages, Binders, Book-a-thon, Bookie Blurbs, Book Junkie, Page Addiction, Blurred Blurbs, Falling for Books, Book-a-holic. That's all I have so far haha I'll let you know if I have any more but I hope you find something suitable for your blog 'cause I love your page! <3

Sahina said...

Oh one last one, Falling in Between the Pages or Reading in Between The Lines :)

Jules said...

Can I just second what Yiota was saying

">Readable Kingdom: I like it and don't like it. Not fan of the Readable word. I feel a "blah blah" when i say. What about Book Kingdom? or Words Kingdom? or The Readers Kingdom? Everything with word kingdom sounds so epic!"

Bookish Kingdom?

SarahChristine said...

I like Too Many Books and Stacks of Books :)

Literary Chanteuse said...

I like Readable Kingdom because I haven't come across anything that sounds like that. I also like Book Binders it's catchy. I like Shawn's suggestion of Brits on Books. Very catchy!

Good luck!

Tipsy Misty said...

Ok I'm back with more lol

City of books

And the moral of the story is...
(that ones a bit long i guess)

Will dance for books


ily said...

Too Many Books

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Bummer that you're set on changing your blog name. I like it. But I can understand. If I could go back and change my blog name, I would.

I'm not good at naming things.

mfay2 said...

I like Bookracks and Fictional Readers and Book Binders. Basically a tittle that's short and easy to memorize.

You could always go the rebel way, though and name it Untittled Pages - Untittled Words or something like that. Doesn't make sense, but it grabs your attention!

Hayley said...

Bookie Monsters :P

Book Passion for Life said...


We love the 'BRITS' word in our any idea's with Brits in...lets here them :)

alovelywriterxo said...

Out of the list, I like Fictional Readers.

Something with Brits? Hmmm.. Pretty Little Brits? :)

Sahina said...

Haha I like the Pretty Little Brits ;)
Or.. ermm British Binders? Brits-Brack-Books, Brit-inders? haha tryna get Brits and Binders in there.

Ayana Ahmad said...

I got some of these:

- Brittania Avid Booker
- When The Brits Brag Books
- Brits' Epic Storyteller
- The Brits Pages
- The Passionate Pageturners

Hope it helps :D

Tipsy Misty said...

British book empire

Rule booktannia

Brits do books

Full English bookfast

Haha yeah I'm out!

Lindsey said...

Bookish Brits
Brits&Books / Books'n'Brits / Brits on Books
Book Bitten Brits / Brits Bitten by Books
Brits Breathe Books
Brits Bookshelves / Brits Bookshelf
British/Brits Book Empire / Brits Bookland
Brits Bookish Kingdom

Lindsey said...

+1 for Ayana's The Passionate Pageturners!

Tipsy Misty said...

Rusted, all of that together sounds like a dr suess book lol

Lindsey said...

Haha, yea - My spacing could use a little work. But it's ok, cause I don't blog so I don't need to be hugely coherant and readable. :P Read it out to yourself really quick and the word Brits totally loses its meaning. :D

Lindsey said...


British Book Addicts?

... Ok, I'll stop now. Good luck finding your new name!

Tasnim said...

I liked the names you picked out but i don't think any of them are really catchy to be honest? how about book geeks? or book nerds? or book lovers?


Lesley said...

Are you sure about the Brits thing? It might seems a bit limiting. I liked Fictional Readers from your list and I liked the suggestion Reading Inbetween the lines.

Bex said...

I would stick with Book Passion For Life, definitely. It's catchy and you've already had around 6 months (?) to make it known.

Are you going to buy a domain name? Otherwise you should also know that the old URL doesn't automatically redirect. I've already lost two of my favourite blogs that way.

I'd recommend perhaps buying a domin name via blogger ($12/year isn't much) and perhaps just shorten the URL itself. Perhaps to your Twitter name?

But that's just my opinion of course. But what's you is you, you know! :)

Bex said...

Wow, that was a lot of perhaps:es. LOL. Sorry about that.

Bex said...

To clarify the redirection issue with to URLs: I lost both the feed and the option to google them or find them by going into managing blogs I follow. They get to keep followers, but I as a follower lost complete contact...

Unknown said...

I really like the name that you already have, but Book Binders is actually kind of cute and really catchy! :)

Suz @ A Soul Unsung
Tweet Me!

Books for Company said...

Being honest. I already like Book Passion For Life and think it's unique and better than any of the above =(
If I was gonna choose it would be Readable Kingdom

Book Passion for Life said...

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Keep them coming, Donna and I are going over some things regarding what Rebecca said about URL's and losing things. Either way, we're giving it until the end of the week before we make the decision. It may be that we'll end up keeping the name lol. -Jess

Victoria said...

I like book racks. I think there is no such thing as too many books ;)

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

I'm so bad with names! I usually end up spending a week coming up with a list of crap and amongst that there'll be one I can stand. If you really want to change, from that list I'd probably pick Book Binders - it's catchy and memorable.

Once Upon A Time

Danielle Smith said...

Brilliant Book Brits

WTF Are You Reading said...

Bookluvin' Brits
Can't Stop the Reading
Up to My Eyeballs...In Books
Bookpassions Unlimeted
The Impassioned Reader
Two Nuts In a Book Tree
Reading As Fast as We Can
Oh...For The Love of Books!
For Books' Sake
The Page Turner's Passion

Just a few off the top of my head!
My Blog is: WTF Are you Reading?
Let me know what you think
I really hope that you like them.

WTF Are You Reading said...

British Babes In Bookland
Just Read It Already!
Did you Read It Yet?

Forgot that one.

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