Showcase Sunday is a new weekly meme hosted by Vicky @ Books Biscuits and Tea. We will now be taking part in Showcase Sunday instead of In My Mailbox. If you'd like to join see HERE for more details.
Donna's Showcase!
For Review:

Goodreads: Through to You by Emily Hainsworth
E-books for Review:

Goodreads: Reaction (Reflection #2) by Jessica Roberts
Goodreads: Severed (Fated #2) by Sarah Alderson (Picture above shows Fated but I did get book two, Severed. No cover available at the moment)
Goodreads: Being Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram
Goodreads: Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram
Goodreads: V is for Virgin by Kelly Oram
Bought E-books:

Goodreads: Foolish Games by Leah Spiegel
Goodreads: Chance Encounters by J.Sterling
Goodreads: Taking Shots by Toni Aleo
Goodreads: Love Just Is by Grace Lindsay - FREE on Amazon!
Thank you to Kelly Oram, Jessica Roberts, Sarah Alderson, Simon & Schuster & Hodder Children's Books.

Soooo jealous of Days of blood and starlight!! Your other books look fun too :)
I'm definately jealous of Days of Blood and Starlight too and Severed, I really need to read Fated - it's been sitting on my shelf for ages so i need to get my butt in gear :)
I have Through To You too and I'm very excited about it. Fated by Sarah Alderson is so much fun, I really hope you'll like it.
Great haul! Happy reading.
You ALWAYS got awesome books! nuff said. *pointing at Days of Starlight & Blood* ;)
Here's my Showcase Sunday
Great books!! I have Days Of Blood and Starlight on pre order. Cant wait for it :) Enjoy them all.
Yesterday I actually finished Kelly Oram's new book. It was actually really good. Looking forward to reading more from her. Anyway great book haul!
Oh Donna another brilliant week of books I too received Severed and Days of Blood and Starlight, I was totally torn about which to start first! Through to You sounds like an interesting read too, can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of them! Happy reading! :)
Great mailbox, Donna :D Seems like awesome books. <3 Hope you'll love them all :)
If book two of the Fated series is just about ready, I really must read Fated! :-)
*gasp* Days of Blood and Starlight! I am dying to get my hands on that one! I'm already on the waiting list for my library, so hopefully it comes in ASAP!
Great haul Donna. I can't wait to see what you think of Fated, I really enjoyed that one. Happy Reading :)
YAY Days of Blood and Starlight! xD It seems like everybody but me has been getting it. :D
Happy reading!
My Haul
I wanted to read Through to You and requested in on Edelweiss and the rejected me! They hardly ever approve me for anything, I rarely bother with them anymore. Look like a lot got a copy of Days of Blood and Starlight. Enjoy your reads Donna. :)
Great books. I still need to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone but I already want the next one.
Happy Reading. :)
My Haul
Great haul Donna !! I look forward to read your review on Fated .. Happy reading darling ;)
DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT *squeals* *screams in jealousy, rage and happiness* I hate you, but I'm so excited for you haha.
SO EFFING EXCITED TO READ THAT!! And Through To You!! I got Severed aswell and I'm SO excited to dive in. Taking all my willpower not to peek at the back :D
Awesome, awesome, awesome haul of books. Happy reading!
Oh my, Days of Blood and Starlight! I'm actually giving my computer a jealous look right now. I hope you enjoy all your new books!
Amazing haul, Donna! I still need to read Daughter of Smoke & Bone though! I really enjoyed Foolish Games! Hope you enjoy all these lovelies & I look forward to your reviews! :) xo
Awwww booo! I heard Through to You is good! Maybe I could send it you when I'm finished?
I still haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone - I need to catch up! =)
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