
Saturday 12 November 2011

Book Buying Ban Challenge: UPDATE!

Hey Everyone,

As you all know I have been taking part in a book buying ban with the awesome Haley from Ya-Aholic and Braiden from Book Probe. The ban started on October 1st and is still continuing now until November 31st. 

I just wanted to update you and show you the progress I’ve done

Firstly, I have NOT bought myself any books. Yay for me! I have bought books for other people but I don’t think that counts. ;) I also know Haley and Braiden have been doing very well. I’ve had a few conversations with Haley and we’ve both kind of felt like we’ve had our moments of were we’ve wanted to buy books but then it’s passed and honestly, we agree were not too bothered about not buying books. So I’m pretty pleased with how things are going at the moment.

Secondly, I had to buy a new car the other day and let’s just say before Christmas, it definitely wasn’t in the plan. So because the ban isn’t really bothering me and now with paying for a new car, I’m planning on extending the book buying ban for myself until Christmas. So I’ve added on an extra TWENTY FIVE DAYS!! ;) I would do it until the New Year but I know I’ll be getting a bit of Christmas money so of course….I want books.

And finally, I’m going to show you what books I’ve read so far:

The Fever Series:

Luckily I managed to get Darkfever & Bloodfever for review so I read the rest of the series. I have to say, the series started off pretty slow but it sure did make up for it in the end, I loved them!

Check out my reviews:

Silence (Hush, Hush #3) 

Yes! I read it and I loved it. I wasn't even planning on reading this but I couldn't help myself and then meeting Becca at her Birmingham signing was great!

Check out my review: 

Sooooo....I know I haven't read as many of my own books as I've planned but I'm pretty happy with what I've done. The Fever Series was a major one for me and I'm glad I've finally got to read them. 


Haley @ YA-Aholic said...

wooohoo! Its gonna be so weird when our book buying ban is up! (:

Lesley said...

I think you've done amazingly well Donna, I'm so impressed with your will power.

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

Ha I wish I could tie myself down to a full on ban but then I saunter into The Works or a charity shop and OOH SHINY. At least I'm not spending much money but still, drowning here! Haha.
Very impressed with you!! :D

Anonymous said...

You've been so good on your ban. I've been trying too for the last couple of months and although I've not been as good as you, I have cut down an awful lot.

Mel said...

Oh well done! I've just started a ban of my own in order to pay for Christmas presents and reduce the towering TBR pile as well. Only one week on, but I'm proud I haven't given in yet! :)

Kate @ Kates Book Life said...

Well done on doing so well on your book ban I wish I could do it and probably would if no new books came out :)

Tipsy Misty said...

Go you!!

Anonymous said...

For sure it's not easy for any book blogger to say no to buying books especially that books have become such "covetable" items. How do motivate yourself not to give in? Would like to know. ;)

Anna @ Literary Exploration said...

Way to go!!! Don't give in!!!!!

Anna @ Literary Exploration

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