
Monday 21 November 2011

US vs UK (#32)

Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 32nd US vs UK book cover battle. We've seen this posted on a few other blogs, and thought we'd jump on the band wagon!

The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.

The Scores so far are: 
US: 9  UK: 13  Draw: 8

US vs UK Round 32

Delirium by Lauren Oliver


Jess says: Ewwww! This is no contest for me! THE U.S GETS IT! Why? Because quite frankly that UK cover gives me the creeps, and that isn't how I picture Lena at all...UK, you got it TOTALLY and COMPLETELY WRONG! YAY to the U.S Special's absolutely beautiful...I love it! 

Donna says: Hahahaha! Jess hates the UK cover! So I thought this would be a good one to start with. But yeah, I totally have to agree. What the hell is up with the UK cover? Creepy....yes! It's horrible. Honestly, I don't even understand it. The US special edition is gorgeous! 

The Other Life by Susanne Winnacker


Jess says: Hmm I've heard about this. And I'm going with the U.K, it's simple but still screams READ ME! I'm not sure what to make of the US cover...its ok, but the girl seems a little doped up? Anyway, the U.K take it with this one for me.

Donna says:  UK! UK! UK! Lol. I love the UK cover, although the US really fits the book. I just love the white background and the red butterfly that looks likes its bleeding. Love it! 

Which do you prefer?

Okay guys, this weeks US vs UK goes to....It's a draw with 2 to both U.S and U.K.

Come back next week for more US vs UK! :) 


Wee Shubba said...
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Wee Shubba said...

Great picks this week girls

Delirium: no contest US!!!! I love this special edition cover. I very rarely buy hardbacks since they expensive but I splurged on this copy.

The other life: UK. It's very pretty and eye catching. Simple but bold at the same time. :)

Unknown said...

I agree with Siobhan, the US cover for Delirium by Lauren Oliver wins my vote easy for me over the UK cover. The UK cover creeps me out.

And another easy choice for me is the UK cover for The Other Life by Susanne Winnacker. It just stands out so much better than the US cover does.

Thanks for another great US VS UK post Donna & Jess - ♥ -

Yiota said...

I think i am US for the 1st one...and UK for the 2nd one. I really love the white cover ^^

The More the Merrier said...

I agree that The US cover for Delirium is much better then the UK cover.
I like the UK cover of the The Other Life The Us one just doesn't appeal to me.

Can't wait to see what covers are up next.

Shelby Young said...

I love US for both of them

Anonymous said...

I actually quite like the UK cover for Delirium! (Bringing some controversy to this debate! ;P) I like the US one, but I think I like them both in a pretty equal way!
As for The Other Life, UK wins, hands-down. US just looks generic and boring.

Klaudia said...

United States rulezz tonight

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