Published Date: 31st January 2012
Finished Date: February 13th, 2012
Source: For Review from Author
Format: Kindle
Pages: 245
The Blurb from Goodreads: In the past few weeks Alexa Montgomery has had her entire world flipped upside down. She's gone from living a semi-normal teenage life to a life full of vampires and werewolves who all expect her to deliver them from the control of an evil dictator. Alexa is the last of her kind; a Sun Warrior, and now she has left the safety of Two Rivers to search for her mother, but she's left her sister behind to do so, and Nelly is the one person that she was told that she must always protect. Kayden, a vampire who is Alexa's other half, has followed her on her journey. But, secrets are about to come out, relationships will break and danger lies just up ahead. Will Alexa be able to get through all of this and make it out alive? And, will she be able to protect Nelly from danger when she is so far away?
The Review: ***This may contain spoilers for those who haven’t read Blood Warrior***
You want my immediate reaction after reading this book?
What the ****, no way! It cannot end there. . . . but it did and now for the wait for book three.
This is an excellent sequel to Blood Warrior, we pick up right where we left off – Following the information received from the Lamia, Alexa has left the safety of Two Rivers in search of answers and the location of the notorious prison Dangeon where her mother is supposedly being held. She leaves everything behind, her sister- Nelly, her boyfriend - Jackson and her Libra- Kayden. She swore to her mother she would always protect Nelly and she has left her in capable hands as she figures that she is better off staying within the safety of the city. She has a rocky start to her journey and begins to feel out of control but she has been followed by the only person who can bring her around – Kayden – and they embark on the journey together this time. While Alexa is off in search of answers, her disappearance causes Nelly to search for a few of her own and she is unprepared for the answers she is about to find. Everything she believed is unravelling and people aren’t always who they seem but who will protect her now that Alexa is gone as it becomes increasingly hard to keep her secret and her ever increasing power? As Alexa battles to control her warrior side and what she must do, will she come out of it both physically and mentally?
Well the author has done it again, pulled me in hook, line and sinker. Another must read book as we follow Alexa on her journey with Kayden as she tries to keep her ‘monster’ under control and to do what’s right by those who view her as their saviour. When the book starts we read Alexa saying that what she needs is redemption so right off the bat I was thinking ‘what has she done? She really struggles in this book with her warrior side, they are like two separate entities in one body both struggling for domination, a struggle that has to come to a head real soon. Not only that but we see her really vulnerable, doubting herself, feeling guilt, feeling like a monster and a crazy person. All I could think was poor Alexa, so much responsibility and the weight of the world on her shoulders and Kayden, aww – if you didn’t love him in book one you will in this, he’s just awesome, he has her back all the time and you know that if the tables were turned and it was him in Alexa’s position, it would still be the same way but with Alexas’ support. I am definitely team Kayden, they were made for each other. I also think I may be slightly in love with him, he makes my heart do flip flops. Nelly came into her own as well in this book as she experiments with her powers and starts to make decisions for herself, she starts to feel powerful at the same time as feeling rather vulnerable and that brings out a new side to Nelly, a positive side. I think I have definitely underestimated her as a character because she is proving to be one to watch and I’m hoping she is going to come through for Alexa, as she has always done for Nelly. Both girls have their fair share of ups and downs in this and it was nice that we were getting the story from both of their points of view especially since they were away from each other so we were getting two stories, keeping up to date on both locations as events unfold. I also loved the one Kayden chapter we got – Please, can we have some more? I think this book has a more emotional feel but it was still full of action and discoveries, the pacing is great and really grips you because you don’t know what’s coming next. I love everything about it, the characters, the storyline, the world they belong to and it always leaves me wanting more which this book definitely does with its massive – I wouldn’t say cliff hanger as much as I would say drop-off point! OMG that was most cruel, bring on the next one. . . . Tomorrow? Please?
I would also like to mention that I love Soraya & Akiras’ characters, they are too cute and seem like old souls in young bodies with their innocence, acceptance and knowledge.

Great review Mel.
HD is hoping to have book 3 out by the summer this year, there's a tentative 'soft' release date for August but I think it could change. She wants the rest of the series to be out this year. I am so excited.
Sounds amazing! Great review. :) I haven't read the first book yet but it's good to know the sequel delivers too.
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