Release Date: October 1st, 2012
Finished Date: July 18th, 2012
Publishers: Sourcebooks Fire
Source: ARC, Borrowed
Format: Paperback
Red-hot author Miranda Kenneally hits one out of the park in this return to Catching Jordan's Hundred Oaks High.
After her family's scandal rocks their conservative small town, 17-year-old Parker Shelton goes overboard trying to prove that she won't turn out like her mother: a lesbian.
The all-star third-baseman quits the softball team, drops 20 pounds and starts making out with guys--a lot.
But hitting on the hot new assistant baseball coach might be taking it a step too far...especially when he starts flirting back.
After her family's scandal rocks their conservative small town, 17-year-old Parker Shelton goes overboard trying to prove that she won't turn out like her mother: a lesbian.
The all-star third-baseman quits the softball team, drops 20 pounds and starts making out with guys--a lot.
But hitting on the hot new assistant baseball coach might be taking it a step too far...especially when he starts flirting back.
The Review: “Hey,” he says, giving me a bright grin, showing off the dimple in his right cheek. Yeah, yeah, I know you’re hot, Corndog. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Thanks to the years he’s spent baling hay on his dad’s farm, Corndog has gone from not to hot, from scrawny to sinewy, from geek to god, and now has to beat girls off with a stick."
Miranda Kenneally really is on fire with books! First we see Catching Jordan – which was fantastic, and now she’s back with Stealing Parker and oh wow, this one is just as good.
I've never really been a fan of sports - except watching the odd football match on the TV but nothing major. Reading Miranda's books really makes me wish I was a sports fan. I'd love to go to a baseball game, eat a hot dog and support a team because it really sounds like so much fun, and that's just what this book is - fun!
Stealing Parker is jam packed with laugh-out-loud moments but not only that, it's full of emotion. The emotion that poured out of me in the book was really heart-breaking. I was so connected to Parker that I felt everything that she was going through. She's had it tough because the town judge her - so she thinks, so she feels like she has to prove it to them. Even though she's kicking different guys, she's still a girl at heart and she's really looking for the love of her life. I loved Corn Dog - and no, that's not his real name, LOL, it's his nickname but I gotta say, it's not the relationship I was expecting. From the start I was rooting for the Coach Hoffman but soon enough, Corn Dog slowly made his way into my heart and forever he stayed. He really grew on me because to start with he's just a friend and there's no hint of love between these two until they start spending more time together. Once they did, I loved it and I was rooting for them. Corn Dog is sweet, very good looking and also funny but he also has he's deep and meaning moments too.
Now for you Jordan and Henry fans - Miranda Kenneally doesn't disappoint us and we do get glimpse into their relationship still, yay! Although it's not much, it's still great to see that the author doesn't forget about her first characters and I'm hoping we see much of Jordan, Henry, Parker and Corn Dog in her next book - which I can not wait to read.
A big, big thank you Jasprit at The Readers Den for loaning me her ARC copy of this book. You rock girl!

Yay, so glad you liked it! Jenny from supernaturalsnark loved it too and now that the two of you have recommended it (and a few people as well), I'm really pumped up to read this book. On the contrary, I'm a huge sports fan and I love book that include some sports in it. Also, love? Fun? Friendship? Heck yes I want to read it! Liked your short and on-point review and thanks for the recommendation! Definitely moves up on my TBR least ;)
Awesome review!! Its not something Id usually pick up but I might have to give it a go :) Sounds fun!!
I'm really glad you liked it so much, hun! I know that some people didn't like it as much as Catching Jordan, but nonetheless I can't wait to pick my copy of this up (which I just got last week). :) Thanks for sharing!
I can't wait to read this book. I loved Catching Jordan and I have high hopes for what this book will bring to the table. It sounds like it was a great read though.
Thanks for the great review!
So glad to see you enjoyed this Donna! Corn Dog/Corn Fritter stole my heart from the beginning! Wonderful review. :)
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