Release Date: November 19th 2013
Finished Date: December 11, 2013
Publishers: Puffin
Genre: YA , Paranormal, Romance
Source: For Review
Genre: YA , Paranormal, Romance
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Pages: 420
Pages: 420
In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle Mead fans will never forget, she made a decision that shocked even her. . .
But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure—and re-education—looms larger than ever.
Pulses will race throughout this thrilling fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe.
But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure—and re-education—looms larger than ever.
Pulses will race throughout this thrilling fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe.
The Review: “I didn’t care about anything except her and the way touching her drove me wild, even as her calm and steady presence soothed the storms that raged within me.”
Oh my gosh! The Fiery Heart literally took my breath away. There was me thinking The Indigo Spell was the best of the series so far, well, I was wrong. It's definitely The Fiery Heart and once again, Richelle Mead creates another spectacular read.
After the events in The Indigo Spell, Sydney's choices left us readers breathless and completely over the moon. Her choices lead to so many awesome things in this instalment, but it also comes with some bad ones too. When her sister; Zoe arrives, Sydney has to be more careful than ever, if she wants to crack the Alchemists secrets and continue to working with Marcus....and of course, sneaking in some Adrian time too. But the more time she works with the Moroi and Dhampir's work, the more suspicions starts to grow.
The Fiery Heart was a very special treat for all us Adrian fans, mainly because we finally get his point of view. Squeee!! I know you're all doing a little happy dance, and it's definitely a happy dance you should be doing, because Adrian's POV is fantastic. In the VA series, we all knew who Adrian was and even at the start of the Bloodlines series, we see him slowly start to change, but actually getting in his! To see all his struggles and to see how he deals with his magical element spirit, at times, was completely heart-breaking. He's driven to always help people - it's who he is - so as soon as Lissa, the Moroi vampire Queen asks him for help, of course, he's first in line. What people don't realise is how much spirit is affecting him and they don't know how he feels, but we do in this and I'm lost for words. It's hard to describe. At times I want to hold Adrian because I feel so bad for him, we really do see him at his worst in parts of the story and it all results into the amount of spirit he uses. Adrian is a very well developed character, he's honest, brave and very caring and I still believe there is more to come from him.
What I loved about The Fiery Heart was the fact that Adrian and Sydney got so much time together. It was a great change from the previous books and at times, they even got a little reckless. I loved seeing them like that. It was good that they let loose, and even though the ending of the book, well, the ending isn't great for them, I believe in Richelle when she says it will be all worth it in the end. Even though there really wasn't a plot for this story, it was kind of a filler setting you up for the next two books. If anything it was much more enjoyable....even though it was pretty tense because all the while, you just know something is coming....and something is coming!
In all, Richelle Mead has wrote another fantastic read and left me hanging by a thread until the release of Silver Shadows. I can not wait!

It's fabulous when a sequel exceeds your expectations, right? This book sounds thrilling and romantic. Thanks for the review. :-)
I really need to catch up with this series, I love Richelle Mead and it sounds like she is still writing stuff that is completely amazing. Adrian's POV? Sign me up :)
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