To finish off our UK Apprection Month, we have Joss Stirling here today who answers some of our question, and don't forget to check out the international giveaway too. Thank you for following this month and we hope you enjoyed it!
The ordinary stuff is that I am married with three children and live in Oxford (which I love) but that misses out what makes me tick, doesn’t it? So here’s another approach: if I were a stick of old fashioned seaside rock, I’d have ‘storyteller’ running down my centre.
2) At what age did you write your first book?
I did write a book called The Tapestry Room when I was nine or ten (complete with author illustrated front cover and pictures inside). I still have it somewhere. It was a fantasy story where the characters went through a tapestry but every time you went in the room the picture was a little different or new details had been added.
3) What was your inspiration for writing your book Finding Sky?
I’ve mentioned my daughter – she was a big part of the reason why I wrote it. I was also inspired by a trip we made as a family to Colorado and Las Vegas. We went on the white water rafting trip that features in the book. In my story, Sky ends up overboard; the real outing saw my husband help pull somebody else from another raft out of the river.
4) Are there any parts of the story you feel particularly close to?
An interesting question and I’m not sure how to answer it. As it is a first person narrative, Sky lived in my mind telling me these things about her, so everything was under the skin, so to speak. I do have some favourite moments, as when she rejects Zed. I don’t like books where the falling in love happens with the heroine seemingly losing her capacity to think and question.
5) How can our followers connect with you?
I love hearing from readers on my website . I also have a page on Facebook.
UK related Questions:
1) Where is your favourite place?
Iona – an island off the west coast of mainland Scotland. It has a special feeling to it – a long history of Celtic spirituality. The light seems to have a different quality there, picking out the colours of the landscape with the eye of an impressionist painter.
2) What is your favourite thing about living here?
I love England, particularly my little bit of it in Oxford. I like the sense of history, community and beautiful countryside and buildings. I’ve travelled a lot and lived abroad; it is true what they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Walking in Tanzania I remember thinking the red earth rejected my feet – I was an alien there; in my city, I walk softly and completely at home.
3) Is there one place you would like to visit, that you haven’t yet?
I’ve never visited the very north of Scotland so that would be my goal.
4) Do you have a favourite British band?
I’m playing Coldplay at the moment. I really liked what they did at the closing ceremony for the Paralympics so have been listening to them since.
5) Do you have a favourite British movie?
Billy Elliot – a fantastic film and the acting is so moving. Jamie Bell is incredible.
6) Do you have a favourite British actor/actress?
Other than Jamie Bell? James McAvoy is very watchable but we have such a depth of talent it is hard to choose. Alan Rickman is another favourite. Oh and Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Judi Dench…
7) When you think of Britain, what is the first thing you think of?
8) Which place in Britain would you most like to live other than where they do live?
9) What's your favourite British saying?
Response to international/person crisis – ‘Right, I’ll just go and put the kettle on.’

When Sky catches a glimpse of Zed for the first time, lounging against his motorbike at school, she is drawn to him just like every other girl in Wickenridge. But Zed sees something special in her that the other girls don’t have. Zed tells her they are both Savants – people with special powers like telepathy and the ability to see into the future. Not only that, she is a Savant too, and his soulfinder – meant to be together.
When a soulfinder speaks telepathically to her partner, it’s like all the lights coming on in a building. You lit me up like Vegas. But for Sky it’s just not that easy – she’s a mystery to herself, haunted by nightmares from her past before she was adopted, and riddled with doubt and insecurity. Just when Sky is slowly coming round to the idea of being with Zed she is kidnapped by a family of criminal Savants. In a chilling twist, Sky and Zed’s relationship is put to the ultimate test and the fate of those she loves lie in Sky’s hands. Will Sky have the strength to embrace her power and be brave enough to control her own destiny, or will the dark demons of her past prevent her from realising her true potential?
How would you like to win a copy of any of Joss Stirling's books? You can choose between, Finding Sky, Stealing Phoenix or Seeking Crystal!
- Just comment below with your email address and which book you would like.
- Ends 24th December
Author Bio:
Joss Stirling is the author of Finding Sky, Stealing Phoenix and Seeking Crystal, the first books about the Benedict brothers, a family with extraordinary gifts. The stories combine her love for romance, mystery and travel - oh, yes and some seriously attractive heroes. She lives in Oxford, UK, is married with three children. You can find out more and speak to Joss at
Don't forget to stop by Misty's blog today to see Julie Belfield's post with a Giveaway.
Click on the button below.