Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 53rd US vs UK book cover battle.
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
The Scores so far are:
US: 13 UK: 18 Draw: 21
US vs UK Round 53
The Statistical Probability of Love of First Sight by Jennifer E.Smith

Jess says: I've recently read this book. And I prefer the US just because it's focused on Hadley and Oliver in the airport that's blurred, it fits perfectly with the story itself. I love it, so definitely US for me.
Donna says: I really like both of these covers but I have to say I prefer the UK cover. It looks so much fun and I love how the writing is done by the plane.
Jess says: Oooooh not heard of this book before, but I love both of these covers. BUT if I'm going to choose I would pick the US, it's just soo kool!
Donna says: US! US! US! There's no choice for me, the US one is stunning. I love the colours, I love the floor, I love how it looks like a dome and the people are there. The UK one is really bright and colourful but it's so boring compared to the US one.
I think it'll have to be US for both this week! For The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, it's purely because I think it fits the story better, and for Breathe it's just because it's more eye-catching!
UK for The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight & US for Breathe, it is stunning & I got it for review (without the awesome cover lol :( ) Can't wait to start it! Thanks for sharing :)
Such gorgeous covers this week! I definitely prefer both U.S covers of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and Breathe, I think they do a much better job of representing what the book is about! Great picks again this week! :)
I would pick the US covers for both, they're just more eye-catching so would draw me in :)
US for both this week! Prefer them over the others.
I Love the US cover for TSPoLaFS but the UK cover is quite cute when you have it in your hands. I've had Breathe on my wishlist for ages, have they done something to the covers then, cos I hve the lovely purple one showing up on my list, the old one has gone, so glad :-)
For The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight I'd have to go with the US. And for Breathe, I'll go with the draw, can't decide which I prefer.
It's a draw for TheProbabitlity since I haven't read it yet, but I definitley love the US cover for Breathe! It's just stunning and stands out compared to the UK.
Normally I always prefer the UK cover but in this case it has to be US for both. Especially love the cover for Breathe
US for both, by a landslide for Statistical but I really like the greens and blues on the UK cover of Breathe!
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