Release Date: July 9th, 2012
Finished Date: July 26th, 2012
Publishers: Self -Published
Source: ARC For Review
Format: Kindle
During her quest to uncover the tattoo’s secrets, Nara enlists the help of some new friends and discovers her own surprising connection to Ethan.
While Nara digs deeper into the mystery, her desire for answers leads her down a dangerous path full of powerful and ruthless enemies. Swept into an age-old battle, Nara quickly learns that keeping one’s enemies close can be a necessary evil, making an intangible enemy she can control far more preferable to the human enemies she can’t.
The Review: You all know how much I loved P.T Michelle's first book 'A Brightest Kind of Darkness' so I've been waiting impatiently for the release of Lucid, I needed to be back in this amazing world that P.T has created and I needed to be back with these fantastic characters. And what I got from Lucid was a whole load of awesomeness and more!
In Lucid, we see's Nara seek out answer's to all the mysterious questions surrounding her, Ethan and the Ravens, but while she seeking the questions, Nara is in more danger than ever........ Can Nara survive the danger's of her life? Or will Fate get what he wants?
Lucid was a fantastic sequel. It was fast paced, exciting and dangerous, one that was full of twists and turns and P.T doesn't make this book predictable. I honestly didn't know what was coming next and the twists that she does throw in are completely amazing. I loved that we saw Nara stepping out on her own to find out the answers and I loved that she was so determined. She finds out so many answers but they lead to so many more questions, and I need to know what will happen next. She also grows a lot through this book and I felt a lot of that was down to Ethan not being there. He is away for most of 80% of the book and even though there are a few phone calls, they don't talk all that much. I missed his presence but when he came back, he completely consumed me and I just melt. I adore all the moments with Ethan in and I'm dying to find out the answer's and mysteries that are surrounding him.
We also see a new character named Drystan who is introduced. He has secrets of his own, and it was great to unravel him but I was glad he was just a friend to Nara.
All in all, Lucid is a heart-pounding and consuming read, one that any paranormal fan should pick up. I cannot wait for book three because I am dying to see how it all ends!
A big thank you to P.T Michelle for giving me the opportunity to review this book and also a huge thank you her editor who used my quote on the back of BKoD book!

I'm not familiar with this series, but I'm curious about it now. Thanks for the spoiler-free review!
Great review Donna. I'm not familiar with this series, going to check it out on GR now :)
I haven't read the previous book, but I'm glad to hear this is a good sequel! I'll have to pick up this series one day. Great review, Donna! :)
Ok wow I have to read this book like NOW. Love the review :)
I've seen the cover before . . . just can't remember where. Probably goodreads. But it sounds like an interesting book!
Been wanting to buy something written by PT Michelle for a while now. Me thinks it's time. ;)
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