Finished Date: July 4th, 2012
Publishers: Self-Published
Source: For Review
Format: Kindle
A thrilling tale of courage, faith, and fighting the good fight.
Pretty Sacrifices is the sequel to the bestselling urban fantasy, Glory, which was nominated by the American Library Association for their 2011 Best Paperbacks for Young Adults List. Genesis, the third novel in The Legend of Glory trilogy, is forthcoming.
The Review: The plot thickens in the second instalment of The Legend of Glory as it’s revealed that Scorpio pharmaceuticals was only the time of the ice burg in the big plan, detailed in the Lodestones to de-populate the world and if Glory and the gang thought they had saved the world from the Pan Plague they haven’t seen nothing yet, as evil once again rears its ugly head. There will indeed be sacrifices made, both good and bad as Glory tries to thwart the growing power of a New World Order and as she plays them at their own game, she gets a few surprises along the way.
I really liked this second book, it started of where you thought everything was coming back to normal; well as normal as losing 1 billion people to a plague can be, then BAM! back into the thick of things with two of my favourite characters leading the way. Glory again, such an awesome character, good through and through and still trying to ‘save’ everyone. It was nice to see her get a hint of happiness before things went pear-shaped but she lived up to the challenge as always. She is put through equal amounts of turmoil again with more personal issues at stake this time. Kaia – what a character! I love her as much as Glory and maybe a little more in this. She was definitely a favourite in book 1 but my heart broke for her in this, this was her time to shine and boy did she. I don’t really want to say too much about that because she was the centre of a lot of the storyline and emotions. We get a bit of Dominic too (I’m team Nicky) and a lot of the previous books cast are back as Warriors of Light! I must give a special mention to Belle Starr – she is soooo adorable and how anyone could resist that is beyond me, she’s special – mark my words.
The storyline is an excellent progression, I liked the way we had two points of view that were going down different paths but connected to bring everyone together, it was great- so we had Glory & Dominic in her hometown, protecting the people from an immediate threat and we get Kaia & Evan at Moonstone trying to deal with a premonition that has far reaching consequences for at least one person. Then their paths end up crossing for both stories showdown, which I loved. The title was very apt also but some sacrifices weren’t so pretty and there were a few of them. I feel that if one of the main characters has to go through some ordeal then they all seem to have their version of it that they have to go through too. There was a part where I didn’t totally get what went on but I’m letting it fly because it will probably be explained later. As I said earlier, it elaborates on the ‘commandments’ from the monument that played a part in the first book. We touch on ‘The New World Order’ which is really interesting and quite factual and scary because this is actually real people! And I love the way it has been weaved into this series along with the paranormal, it makes me want to run out and do research (in fact, a friend of mine is into this in a big way – so I’d probably just ask him) but that is still adding an extra element to the book because it could actually happen and I like that the threat isn’t all one sided like a paranormal threat or a human threat – it’s both! So the group can’t really side with one or the other and it makes no difference from what side they come – they fight for what is the right thing to do, for the human race, for the earth, for family and for love – and I personally love its message!
The ending sort of blew me away and I wish I had the last book now, I’m very curious to see where this is all heading and how it comes together. From the ending though, it promises to be epic!

Thank you so much for the wonderful review! You are the FIRST reviewer to have ever mentioned the New World Order aspect of the Legend of Glory series. Thank you so much. I did an enormous amount of research on the subject.
LOL! And you've set the bar pretty high for me for GENESIS. I will do my best to make it "epic." I promise!!
I haven't heard of this series before but it sounds like something I would like. Going to add Glory to the TBR and give it a go. Thanks for sharing :)
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