Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 51st US vs UK book cover battle.
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
The Scores so far are:
US: 13 UK: 18 Draw: 20
US vs UK Round 52
Rift by Andrea Cremer

Jess says: I like both of these but I think I have to go with the UK just because the cover theme seems to have stuck with the UK covers for her Nightshade series. So UK for me.
Donna says: I love both of these covers and I love the US one because we can see Ember with her weapon but I love the UK one for the all the colour. The US seem to have gone more with the theme of Ember and her strength, were as the UK have played on the love story. I prefer the US cover for the meaning behind it but I only know this because I've read the book. But if I hadn't of read the book, I'd pick the UK because of how eye catching it is, so UK for me.
Melanie says: Oooh I like both of these as well, but I think I prefer the US a lot more, it just seems to grab me a lot more and I know I'd pick it up from the shelf. So US for me.
Donna says: The covers are quite similar, they both picture the girl and then man in the background. But when I pick a book, I usually go with the one that grabs my attention and the US one grabs it more. So US for me.
Rift has two really great covers. I own the UK one (which is really pretty), but I actually prefer the US one. As for the other book, definitely the US one!
I love the U.K cover of Rift, the colours are so dreamy and seem to go so well together! I think I prefer the U.S cover of Time Between Us like Melanie said I'm more likely to pick that book off a shelf because of the cover alone than the U.K one :)
Really hard to choose this week! But I think the UK one for Rift and the US one for Time Between us, simply because I like the colours better in these two! Thanks for sharing :)
I GOT RIFT TODAY. I GOT RIFT TODAY. SQUEEEEEEEE!! :D I LOVE both covers, each for very different reasons. Like you ladies have said, the UK one is just GORGEOUS in colour, so, so pretty. But I love the badassery of Ember in the US. I honestly can't pick. I'm instantly attracted to things that screen kickbutt girls, but I like romance and magic and... I DON'T KNOW.
As for Time Between Us... probably go for US aswell. It has that extra shine, the colours blend really well and I find it prettier. Really excited to read that!
Nicole: I prefer the u.s version, the u.k looks like a chic lit book.
I like both the UK ones, but only just!
Hm... both covers of Rift are good, but I prefer the american one. I like the way Ember is holding her weapon, it kind of shows us her fierce personality. At the same time, though, the UK cover shows us the romantic aspect of the book, so IDK. But I still prefer the american one :D
Jutst to let you know, you have Hysteria instead of Time Between Us :D
And I definitley agree with both your answers on both of these.
Well I haven't read the book and I doubt I ever will after Bloodrose (Ren), and I prefer the UK cover. I love the colours. And for Time Between Us, I have to go with the draw, I can't decide :)
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