Published Date: 9th July, 2010
The Blurb: Teens who discover they were secretly genetically altered before birth are brought together at a classified site where they forge new friendships, find love, develop "super-abilities," and even unearth a conspiracy.
The Review: Solid is the first book in a series by Shelly Workinger. It sees 100 teenagers sent to a camp in the woods run by the US Military. All 100 teenagers have been born with a mutated chromosome named C9x, which was administered secretly to their mothers during their pregnancy, causing these teenagers to be born with special abilities. We meet 5 of the 100 teenagers who form friendships, find love and in the end uncover something for more sinister then what they were first told.
This is not normally a book I would read, its out of the Vampires, werewolves, faeries and other such fiction genre, so I probably wouldn't have looked at it twice. However, having said that, I am glad I read it because I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The characters are lovable, and they have some great banter and lot of wit with a hint of sarcasm. The friendships that are made are ones to last a life time.
Although the ending seemed a tad rushed, and little easy I was pleasantly surprised at the end as to who turned out to be the conspirator. I probably should have seen it coming, but there was no evidence of that said person being involved in the 'diabolical' plan. Alond with that person's sidekick, (there's always a sidekick)
Overall, I enjoyed this book. I will buy it and yeah, would probably read it again. I reccommedn this to anyone who's into the sci-fi genre and who wants to take a step away from vampires, wolves, fareies, demons and every other supernatural creature that we've all come to know and love.
I'd like to thank Shelley for allowing me to read this book, and I am happy to say that I am indeed looking forward to the next book in the series, as there are still some unanswered questions about the 5 characters especially Jack, I'm really interested to know what his 'ability' will be.
Oh and PS....I love JACK!!!! Jack is clearly the hero here. LOVE YOU JACK VALLARD!
Thats all folks :)

Published Date: 9th July, 2010
The Blurb: Teens who discover they were secretly genetically altered before birth are brought together at a classified site where they forge new friendships, find love, develop "super-abilities," and even unearth a conspiracy.
The Review: Solid is the first book in the series by self published author Shelley Workinger.
This book see's a rouge doctor who experimented with a chromosomal drug and distributed it to a 100 pregnant women against their knowledge, eighteen years ago. When the doctor is suddenly killed, just after the children were born, its leave know-one with any knowledge - except the children themselves. When the military finally learns the truth, they have no choice but to bring all 100 children to a new facility to learn as much about them as they can during a short pace of time.
Solid was a quick and enjoyable read and I'll be honest, this is nothing like i've ever read before. I hadn't really heard much about the book before but I really wish I had. I believe, this story is quiet unique - children that have developed special abilities because of the drug. I've seen quiet a few review's mentioning "Oh It sounds like X-Men" but I'm one of them that thinks, its nothing like it X-Men.
I am looking forward to reading the next book and finding out where the author takes the story. For me, there are quite a few questions still unanswered. One - I'm really interested to find out Jack's ability, as at the moment it still appear that he doesn't have one. I also loved how all the characters are so loveable. Their fun, caring and I love the humour from them all too. Clio and Jack are obviously my favourite's and I love the romance that was added.
Overall, I'm so glad I read this. It was a great read and If anyone is looking for a break from the vampires, angels & werewolves - then this story is for you.
I'd take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Shelley, for giving me the opportunity to review her work. This story is one I will be definitely recommending.
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