Published Date: March 3rd, 2011
Finished Date: March 5th, 2011
The Blurb: Having become what they feared most, Bianca and Lucas face a terrifying new reality. They must return to Evernight Academy, Lucas as a vampire and Bianca as a wraith. But Lucas is haunted by demons, both personal and supernatural. Bianca must help him fight the evil inside him, combat the forces determined to drive them apart—and find the power to claim her destiny at last.
Review: Claudia Gray is back with the final and fourth book 'Afterlife' in her best selling 'Evernight' Series.
This book see's the characters struggle with the turn of of events from the last book. Lucas is struggling at becoming a vampire and Bianca is also struggling at becoming a wraith. They believe that their best option is return to Evernight Academy to seek sanctuary, or is it?
I loved this book but I'm also really sad that it has ended. After reading Evernight since the start, I feel quiet a connection to all the characters and although I'm not completely happy with ending, I do believe it was the best possible ending. Otherwise, it may of been a little unrealistic.
I really enjoyed how all characters developed in this book and how the other characters like Vic, Ranulf & Raquel were not left out of the story but were more involved. Bianca and Lucas's love stays true through out and my heart broke for them with the situations they were put in.
I did find parts of the story a little slow but I still couldn't help but love it still.
The only thing that really bugged me was how things with Charity were cleared up. I still believe that there is unfinished business between her and Balthazar and I'm hoping we will get to see more of there story when Claudia write's the spin off novel.
Overall, this is one of my favourites. One I believe, that any Paranormal Fan should read. So if you haven't read it and your looking for a new series to sink your teeth into then, pick it up - You won't be disappointed. :)
I so need to read the rest of this series I have read book one and loved it. Just havnt gotten around to reading the rest
Its a really good series :) Nice and quick reads :)
Very much agree, it is definitely a series to be read!
Can't wait to get this in the post, thanks for swapping Donna =)
Its okay Jodie - I'm looking forward to read XVI - I haven't got a clue when though. Lol
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