Published Date: April 1st, 2010
Finished Date: March 26th, 2011
The Blurb from Goodreads: In the wake of a love spell gone horribly wrong, Sophie Mercer, a sixteen-year-old witch, is shipped off to Hecate Hall, a boarding school for witches, shapeshifters and faeries. The traumas of mortal high school are nothing compared to the goings on at "Freak High." It's bad enough that she has to deal with a trio of mean girls led by the glamorous Elodie, but it's even worse when she begins to fall for Elodie's gorgeous boyfriend, Archer Cross, and frankly terrifying that the trio are an extremely powerful coven of dark witches. But when Sophie begins to learn the disturbing truth about her father, she is forced to face demons both metaphorical and real, and come to terms with her own growing power as a witch.
The Review: After seeing so many good reviews about this book, I thought it was time I read it. Seems as though its had been sitting on my shelf for nearly 2 months. Although, I didn't think this book was amazing, I still really enjoyed it.
Sophie Mercer - a witch, moves to Hecate Hall after casting a love spell that goes wrong for a girl from her old school. She has been sentenced to spend the next 2 years at Hecate so she can learn to control and use her powers so she doesn't expose them to humans. Once Sophie arrives, everything is not as simple as she once thought. She gets roomed with the only vampire on campus, girls are being killed by an unknown murderer, she gets tricked into joining a coven and ends up falling for the wrong guy. There are secrets running all over the school and Sophie for one, is determined to find out what's going on.
I found this book a light enjoyable read. There wasn't anything confusing in the story and it seemed to work out pretty well in the end. I liked reading about Hecate Hall, and loved how all the other supernatural creatures were introduced. I thought all the characters, especially Archer were fantastic and I can't wait to read more on him and his story. I'm also glad that there was a back story to how Sophie got her powers, I enjoyed reading about her ancestors and look forward to finding out more on her father. The only thing I wished, would of been different in this story, was for a little more romance between Sophie & Archer and maybe seeing Sophie use her powers a little more than she did.
Overall though, I enjoyed it enough to read the sequel and I look forward to seeing what happens next with the characters.

I want to read this too. I prefer the US cover though lol. Jx
Great review.
Love this book, the sequel is good too!(:
Only a 3.5? :P. I'm biased, because I absolutely adored this book. Definitely try the sequel though; I personally preferred Hex Hall, but a lot of people are saying the sequel is better! :)
Hi Renu, Thanks for stopping by! Glad you liked it :)
Liz, Lol I'm a romance girl! There wasn't enough for me, I did enjoy the story though :) I have got the sequel to read so wait out for the review sometime soon. Donna x
I really enjoyed it too, it was a fun fast read. Which reminds me I need to get round to reading the sequel!
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