Rating: 4/5 stars
Published Date:9th Febraury 2011
Read Date: 1st March 2011
Blurb: Because once the first crimson drop falls, they will both be lost.
Review: I recently finished one of the spin off books to Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress books.
Here's a few words....
I'd heard mixed reviews about this and so my expectations weren't that high. However I was surprised to see how much I enjoyed this book. The storyline was good and I like the whole Spade & Denise love. Although I don't like reading from 3rd person that much, Jeaniene managed to convey both the feelings of Spade and Denise throughout. Both of them fighting against their feelings, which ultimately is a waste of time as its clear throughout that they belong together. Not once did Frost allow Denise to forget Randy and not once did Spade forget Giselda. This is why this story works, our main characters learn to love each other based on attraction and the common loss they both went through, all be it about 250 years apart.
Denise went through some major growth over the 5 week period that the book is set in. Well done Denise :)
We get to see a new side to Spade. He managed to maintain his gentlemanliness throughout, whilst also conveying the animal inside him. His s*x scenes are amazing (MAN DOES HE KNOW HOW TO TEASE) *cough* shower scene *cough*.
Seeing Cat and Bones (my 2 fave couple) reduced to secondary character level, didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. In the end I was just pleased that they made an appearance :)
I do much prefer the original Night Huntress novels, I found these were just a good short read to pass some time.
Okay I'm done. Its one of the better reviews I've done compared to all the rest. Can't think why though. Ahh well.
Read it. Its pretty good :)
1 comment:
Wow.. Nice review.. I love Jeaniene Frost too.. and Bones is always being My fave hero.. ^^
More success for You..
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