
Monday 14 May 2012

US vs UK (#46)

Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 46th US vs UK book cover battle. 

The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.

US vs UK Round 46

New Girl by Paige Harbinson

New GirlVS  New Girl
Jess says: Two very different covers. I much prefer the UK one though. It's just incredibly colourful. I'm reading this one right now and I love everything about the cover including the shoes giving off the idea of walking in someone elses' shoes. Which is exactly the right idea with the book. 

Donna says:  Two completely different covers by the publishers but I have to say I much prefer the UK cover. It's so colourful and something completely different. From the sounds of it, it sounds like the UK suits the cover more than the US one, so yeah UK for me.

Add it to your Goodreads TBR list:

Sweet Vemon by Tera Lynn Childs 

Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1) VS  Sweet Venom
Jess says: Both of these are beautiful covers. But if I had to choose, I'd go with the UK. It's a lot more striking, so the UK for me.

Donna says:  I actually really like both covers and I own a copy of Sweet Venom US cover but the UK cover is just so different. I honestly can't chose so it's a tie for me.

Add it to your Goodreads TBR list:

Which do you prefer? Leave us your comments below!! =) 

Okay guys, this weeks US vs UK goes to.......UK!!

Come back next week for more US vs UK! :)


Melanie Hall said...

I like the UK covers for both ( for a change) and I'm loving those socks on the cover of New Girl  ;)

andie88 said...

defenitely US cover for both

Lenka Lienka said...

I think I like the UK cover for New Girl more, but I think US cover for Sweet Venom is simply more sophisticated and beautiful for me.

Ruby97 said...

US for both :)

Angela Haddow said...

I love this weekly feature that you guys do.  So fun!

For me, I like both UK versions better.  :)

Jasprit @ The Readers Den said...

I definitely prefer the U.K cover to Sweet Venom, but I don't know about New Girl, both covers are totally different but I just can't decide between them! :(

Suzanne said...

For New Girl I prefer the UK cover. I have read this and really liked it, and I agree, the UK cover suits the story much more. For Sweet Venom, I also prefer the UK cover, it's just so much more interesting.

Sarah E. said...

I like UK for the first one - I think it fits more with the title...the US one just seems off.
I like US for the second - more mysterious :)

.Ambur. said...

I definitely prefer the UK New Girl cover, too. It's just so adorable! :D

I haven't actually seen the UK cover of Sweet Venom before now, but it's breathtaking! I love the US one, but that UK, just amazing! I love the city skyline too...especially since it actually has the Golden Gate bridge in awesome, it definitely is very representative of the book! :D I kind of wish I had a copy of the book with that cover, too! haha

Elodie RASO said...

I love the UK cover for New Girl but I much prefer the US one for Sweet Venom :) !! 

Carly @ Fiction Fascination said...

LOL it never even clicked with me that they were the same book until now, very different. I like the UK one far better.

Yeah a UK win for me for Sweet Venom.

Thanks for sharing ;)

Rebecca (Kindle Fever) said...

I love the US one for New Girl! I don't think either of them are very good at representing the story though, but for me US is better, since UK doesn't give any intense and darker feel over it, which the book brings. Sweet Venom is US too! Loveee. 

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