Release Date: April 5th, 2012
Finished Date: April 20th, 2012
Publishers: Hodder Children's Books
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Jane's world has changed now that Luca, love of her live, inhabits it, and she's happier than she ever thought she could be.
But how can a werewolf survive in the real world?
When an immortal lives in the mortal world, the natural order of things must change. And what seems perfect, becomes destructive.
They've overcome different worlds. But nothing could prepare Jane for this ...
I’m going to just put this straight out there and say – Lee Monroe’s writing definitely gets stronger and stronger with each book she produces. Like the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike, I’ve had my up’s and down with this series however, as Lee Monroe writes more books, I really feel there is a vast improvement in her work and it’s safe to say Dark Heart Surrender is definitely my favourite novel by her so far.
With Jane and Luca now together living on Mortal earth their hoping to put everything behind them but of course, things aren’t that easy. There are new arrivals in town that sure do stir some trouble and Jane and Luca is in the centre of it….once again, risking their lives.
Dark Heart Surrender definitely finished on a high note and
what I loved about this book so much more than the others was the whole mystery
that surrounded the story. As a reader I love to try and figure out what will
happen next and I spent the whole of this book doing just that. Lee Monroe
doesn’t give anything away until the very end and I really enjoyed it. Not only
that but we get to see Jane and Luca try to be together and watch Luca adjust
to living on Mortal earth. I was really pleased that Luca could adapt to living
with Jane and her family so well because I must admit, I assumed this would be
one of the problems to their story but I’m pleased to say it wasn’t. Luca and
Jane are really dedicated to one another and their love really shines through,
literally ready to fight anything that comes their way. And they’re a great
couple that I was really rooting for.
Now the new characters that make an appearance in this story
are well – how do I say this? Really creepy! You can’t help be creeped out by
them and as secondary characters their roles in this book were written in very
well. It felt like they had always been a part of this series even though they weren’t
so overall, they were great additions.
After the events in Dark Heart Rising I was hoping we would
get to see Vanya and Soren but they didn’t make an appearance in this book,
which left me a little sad. I loved both characters and I feel there is so much
more that Lee Monroe can do with this series but I’m told this was the last
book in the series. I really felt by the ending in Dark Heart Surrender that
was wasn’t much closure so if it is the last book then, PLEASE Lee, write some
more! I’m really not ready to leave these characters behind but if it is the
last, then I’ve really enjoyed my time with them and I will look forward to re-reading
this series again in the future.
All in all, the Dark Heart series is an intense, intriguing
and loveable series – one that I really enjoyed and it’s highly recommended to
you paranormal romance fans.
A huge thank you to the publishers for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

1 comment:
I missed Soren too, but I especially missed Vanya - I think she's one of my favourite characters in all of the books I've read so far this year - she's such great fun!
Great review hun :) I agree with pretty much everything you've said here, but I think I'd possibly put Dark Heart Rising as my favourite, simply because it had plenty of Vanya!
Dani :)
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