Dusty Reads is a weekly meme, hosted by Xpresso Reads featuring a book that has been sitting unread on our shelves for some time. To participate and more information, click here.
Pearl is a sixteen-year-old vampire... fond of blood,
allergic to sunlight, and mostly evil... until the night a sparkly unicorn
stabs her through the heart with his horn. Oops.
Her family thinks she was attacked by a vampire hunter
(because, obviously, unicorns don't exist), and they're shocked she survived.
They're even more shocked when Pearl discovers she can now withstand the sun.
But they quickly find a way to make use of her new talent. The Vampire King of
New England has chosen Pearl's family to host his feast. If Pearl enrolls in
high school, she can make lots of human friends and lure them to the King's
feast -- as the entrees.
The only problem? Pearl's starting to feel the twinges of a
conscience. How can she serve up her new friends—especially the cute guy who
makes her fangs ache—to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she
lets down her family. What's a sunlight-loving vamp to do?
Jess's thoughts: My brother bought me this one for my birthday 3 months ago. I was going to pick it up last night but decided I didn't want anything supernatural. I just wasn't in the mood. I hope to pick it up really soon. This one just sounds interesting. And it has a unicorn in it! So cool.
Ghost Town (Morganville #9)
by Rachel Caine
Get ready for "non-stop vampire action" (Darque Reviews) in the latest Morganville Vampire novel from New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine.
While developing a new system to maintain Morganville's defenses, student Claire Danvers discovers a way to amplify vampire mental powers. Through this, she's able to re-establish the field around this vampire-infested Texas college town that protects it from outsiders.
But the new upgrades have an unexpected consequence: people inside the town begin to slowly forget who they are-even the vampires. Soon, the town's little memory problem has turned into a full-on epidemic. Now Claire needs to figure out a way to pull the plug on her experiment- before she forgets how to save Morganville...Watch a Video.
Donna's thoughts: When I first started this series - I loved it and the last few books, I didn't enjoy as much as I would have liked so I stopped reading. After going to a Rachel Caine signing the weekend, I now have the urge to start reading again - so who knows, maybe I'll try and read Ghost Town soon. =)
So that's our Dusty Read's for this week! Don't forget to leave us your thoughts below.
Happy Reading!

I really enjoyed DRINK, SLAY, LOVE so I really hope you'll get to it soon, Jess!
At the same time I have to admit that I haven't read anything by Rachel Caine yet, but I'm definitely intrigued by the Morganville Vampires series... even though so many books in a series scare me off a bit. :D
Drink, Slay, Love has a unicorn in it? awesome I actually really like the cover too! Hope you enjoy it once you get around to it Jess! Donna I haven't even started the Morganville series yet, but I've heard so many great things! Hopefully you'll be able to fall back into it straight away!
I have Drink, Slay, Love on my TBR, but I honestly forgotten all about it. It sounds really good. I'm going to check now and see if the library has it. There's already too many books I need to buy this month. Thanks for the reminder Jess :)
Donna, I absolutely love this series. I can't wait for the next one. You definitely need to get back on the horse and give it another shot. I was at the signing here on Thursday, isn't Rachel just so nice :)
Donna :O I'm shocked you're so far behind on the MV series !! go straight to the naughty step until you catch up ! lol They are definately one of my faves :)
Jess - I've been meaning to pick that up for a while too but then something else always pops up and makes me read that instead ;)
Drink, Slay, Love is one of my favorites! It's so much fun!
I hope to get caught up with Morganville Vampires this summer. :D
The Morganvilles are on my dusty reads too, I am further behind that you. And my friend got me a signed Black Dawn the other day for my birthday on the 20th, so I was over the moon :)
Drink, Slay, Love, I have been hearing such good things about. I would need to pick it up soon. :)
Drink, Slay, Love has one of my favourite covers so I'm hoping to get it at some point, as for the Morganville Vampires I gave up after the 1st 2 books for some reason although they are on offer in The Works and I always feel so tempted to buy the series!
I haven't read any of these books but I've heard great things about them both :) !! I'm planning to start reading the Mrganville Vampires series soon, can't wait !!
Donna, you know how dusty my Morganville Vampire books are! :P I've not read a single one of them!
Drink, Slay, Love looks really good as well! Might have to pop it on the wishlist :P
Great dusty choices! ;) Dani xx
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