
Sunday 8 January 2012

Author Interview: Suz Korb

Suz Korb
Check out her website: HERE
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Purchase her book on Amazon UK: HERE
Purchase her book on Amazon US: HERE
Check out Melanie's review: HERE

Author Facts: Suz Korb is the author of Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde and Death by Chocolate. She is originally from Hawaii and then grew up in Utah but now resides in England where she is practising her proper English accent.
1.     How did you come up with the idea for the book?
I came up with the ending first. The cliffhanger ending is a twist in the tale that is completely different to the entire content of this book. That way, as I was writing Eve’s story, I made sure not to mention the twist so that all her adventures were a surprise, even to me, as I wrote.

2.     Why zombies?
I’ve always loved zombie movies, my favorite being “Shaun of the Dead”. Last year I held a zombie movie marathon. Movies watched were: 28 Days, Resident Evil, Zombieland and of course Shaun of the Dead. I wrote this scene straight after the movie marathon:
The dirty man rises. He’s wearing a suit that was once blue but is now so caked in dirt it looks almost purely brown. He rolls upward and his shoulders straighten. He’s facing away so all I can see is the back of his head as he stands tall.
The crusty man turns his head to the right. Dust motes crack and ping out of his neck. He’s turning his head all the way around on his body and it’s now that I realize this is no ordinary man.
It’s a zombie.
I realized how fun zombie writing was and I knew I had to write a zombie story of my own.

3.     Most zombie books are kind of depressing and bleak, why did you choose to use humour in your version?
To lighten the gore. I don’t actually like super-gorey zombie movies and laughing at all the blood splatter and brain chomping in my book makes the zombies seem a little less disgusting. Still scary, because they’re zombies, but funny, rotting walking-dead.

4.     How long did it take to write?
The first draft took me a couple of months to finish.

5.     What was the most challenging thing about writing/publishing your work?
The challenge of writing this book was in the word count. I made the mistake of struggling to get it up to 100,000 words. This filled the book with too many boring words so I scrapped the lot and started over. I ended up writing a story that was as long as it needed to be.As for publishing my work, that took a lot of courage. The best advice I had from another self-published author friend of mine was to “get over yourself” and just publish it already.
6.     How many books will there be in the series?
It’s a trilogy so there will be 3.

7.     Is the sequel finished?
The sequel is 1/3 finished.

8.     Does Eve really have powers or is it just the necklace in this book?
Wait and see. All will be revealed in the follow up books. Eve doesn’t even know where her powers are coming from. She’s on a journey and learning things as they are thrown at her by unknown forces.

9.     What is with the flying/floating/travelling thing? How does it really work?
Eve’s not quite sure, but for some reason she feels like she keeps getting sucked into hell. The skies of hell call to her. She seems to get sucked into the underworld when she least expects it. It’s really confusing for her that Bubbles does the flying thing with her. Let’s see what happens to all their floating shenanigans in book 2, shall we? ;)

10.  Can you explain the different planes that Eve travels too, are they different worlds? Frequencies? Layers of our world?
There’s Hell and Earth. Both are in different dimensions that supernatural creatures and people have a connection with. Some more than others.

11.  What’s the deal with Nathan aka Vampire Boy? Will there be more of him in book 2?
Nathan is a bit weird because he’s a new vampire and I don’t think he likes being one. I’ll let you in on a little secret. When Nathan first appears in book 2 he welcomes his vampire powers because he has to fight for…
Wait and see. Teehee.

12.  Who would you like to portray your characters in a movie?
I think Chole Moretz could best portray Eve. She can do kick-ass teen heroine.

13.  Who is your favourite character & why?
Eve, because she gets all kinds of shit thrown at her and she always pulls through for others.

14.  After that huge cliff-hanger ending what can we look forward to in book 2? Any teasers?
I already revealed a small teaser in question 11, but I can also tell you that Eve meets someone new. He’s a boy and he’s the same age as her. She’s 16 in the 2nd book. What’s incredibly interesting to Eve about this new boy is that he has powers too, and his powers are almost exactly the same as hers.

15.  Do you have any other projects on the go or in the pipeline?
Yes I do. At the moment I’m writing a paranormal YA story for the Death by Chocolate anthology. It’s a tale of a teenage girl whose life becomes immersed in the world of  Olympian Gods and Goddesses.

Not a question but I would just like to thank you for the comedy genius known as Thunderbug :D
You’re welcome! I love pugs. Just not smelly, farty pugs. lol

Thanks for joining us today Suz!!


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