"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Jess's WoW
by Carol Lynch Williams
Release date: May 1st, 2012
After her brother’s death, a teen struggles to rediscover
love and find redemption in this gripping novel.
Growing up in Africa and Latin America as the children of
missionaries, London and Zach were as close as could be. And then Zach dies,
and the family is gutted. London’s father is distant. Her mother won’t speak.
The days are filled with what-ifs and whispers: Did Zach take his own life? Was
it London’s fault?
Alone and adrift, London finds herself torn between her
brother’s best friend and the handsome new boy in town as she struggles to find
herself—and ultimately redemption—in this authentic and affecting novel from
award-winning novelist Carol Lynch Williams.
Donna's WoW

by Kimberley Sabatini
Release date: October 30th, 2012
Life altering mistakes are meant to alter lives…
When Elliot dies for the third time, she knows this is her last shot. There are no fourth-timers in this afterlife, so one more chance is all she has to get things right. But before she can move on to her next life, Elliot will be forced to face her past and delve into the painful memories she’d rather keep buried. Memories of people she’s hurt, people she’s betrayed… and people she’s killed.
As she pieces together the mistakes of her past, Elliot must earn the forgiveness of her best friend and reveal the truth about herself to the two boys she loves…even if it means losing them both forever.
What's your "waiting on" pick this week?
Want to participate?
Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine.
Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link at Breaking the Spine.
Happy Reading!
Both of those are on my TBR list :) Great picks! I especially love the cover for Waiting.
Here's my WoW post :)
-Kimberly @ Turning The Pages
Gah! I'm waiting for Waiting too. Totally can't wait for that. Lol. Awesome picks!=D
Drop by my WoW?
I love the sound of Touching the surface!! Great pick!! :))
I'm really looking forward to both of these, especially Touching the Surface as it sounds more like my thing. I do love the cover for Waiting! Awesome picks this week you two. :)
Both of these sound amazing! Touching the Surface definitely sounds interesting. Great picks :)
Here's my WoW
Oooo this book looks really sad, but still good. Great pick!
My WoW
Great picks this week Donna and Jess! I've had Waiting on my list too! I can't wait for it only another week to go! I've never heard of Touching the Surface but it sounds really interesting! And I love the cover!
Great picks! Touching the Surface sounds really good! Added it! :) I'm not sure if I like the name Elliot for a girl though, but that's just me! :)
I almost picked Touching the Surface for my WoW this week too! Can't wait to read that one! :)
My W.O.W.
Awesome picks, ladies! I'm dying to read both of these and actually featured TOUCHING THE SURFACE in a past WoW. Aaaah, all the books we need to read. LOL
Waiting sounds really sad Jess. I have to be in a certain kind of mood to read a weepy. Touching the surface definitely sounds interesting Donna, I'll have to check that one out.
Thanks for sharing guys
Not heard of either of these, but they both look amazing! Both of them are going on the wishlist as we speak!
The cover for touching the surface reminds me of the cover for Jenny Pox by J. L. Bryan!! Beautiful!Dani :) http://www.pentopaperblog.com
Ooh these both sound great! Never heard of Waiting before but I have seen the author's previous works around. Touching the Surface looks really good too and I love the cover! Great picks :).
Both books sound really really good. I'm going to add them both to my TBR List! Here's my WoW!
~Paige @ Comfort Books
I love the cover for Touching the Surface! Waiting sounds good, but really sad... I'd have to work up to it. LOL! Here’s my
WoW post! ~ Jen @ A
Book and a Latte
Great picks :D Pretty covers. <3 Seems like interesting books ;)
Thank you for commenting on my WoW, Donna. <3
Love, Carina @ Carina's Books
Great picks girls :) !! I'm adding both of these books to my wishlist :)
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