Hey all! I have you've all had a fantastic week and I've had a great week with books too. It is just me (Donna) today, so let's get started.
Donna's In My Mailbox
For Review:
Scarlet by A.C Gaughen
Life Eternal by Yvonne Woon
Seeking Crystal by Joss Stirling - Squeeee!!! You know how much I adore this series and I can't believe I have this in my hands plus it's not released until October either =)
The Glimpse by Claire Merle (signed)
Bought eBooks or For Review
(click on the bookcovers to be taken to Goodreads)
eBooks Gifted:
(click on the bookcovers to be taken to Goodreads)
A huge thank you my Facebook friend Jessica for gifting me this awesome books! =)
Thanks to Jessica, Above the Tree Line, HarperCollins, Bloomsbury, Usbourne Publishing, Claire Merle & Oxford.
What's in your mailbox this week?
Leave your link below.

Ohh, awesome mailbox, Donna :D Scarlet is awesome. <3 I loved it :) Above and The Near Witch is also really good :D I hope you enjoy it all ;) <3
Love, Carina
Ooohh... The Glimpse and Don't Expect Magic looks so cool! Awesome IMM!=D
Drop by my IMM?
The Glimpse looks really good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!
~Paige @ Comfort Books
THE LOST CODE looks kind of awesome
Giselle from booknerd.ca
In My Mailbox
Ahhh, Seeking Crystal, how wonderful! I just need to pick up Finding Sky so badly! Great IMM, enjoy reading!
You know, I need to start the Joss Stirling series...love the cover of Life Eternal as well! Oh, I just love all the ideas I get from your mailbox each week! :)
Great mailbox! The lost code looks very interesting! Enjoy your goodies!
MY IMM: http://wordsareinnermusic.blogspot.com/2012/04/in-my-mailbox-36-one-with-special.html
So many great looking books in there. I really need to read the Joss Stirling books soon, I finally have a copy of Finding Sky so I have no excuse!
I really want to read Above and Near Witch as well.
Enjoy your books!
OOOo you got Above!!! Always wanted to read it, what a great gift you got!!!! And, The Lost Code was an interesting read :)
I've had my eye on Scarlet and on Lost Code for a while now. I can't wait to read your reviews of both.
I own Above too, but for whatever reason, I always end up choosing something else over it. I'll try to squeeze it in this week. Great post, ladies!
Wow, you have some great books there! The Glimpse looks awesome, I hope you love it! I really want to read Above and Scarlet as well!
Enjoy your lovely books, and happy reading,
Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
Oh, you received such wonderful books this week, my dear. Really hope you'll like all of them - especially looking forward to your opinion on THE GLIMPSE, SCARLET and ABOVE. :) Enjoy!
I haven't actually read a Joss Stirling Book but I really want to start that series now! I had a look at the first book on Goodreads and it sounds great. And The Glimpse looks amazing! I have a digital copy of that and can't wait to start it. Awesome haul this week! :)
I haven't had the chance to read Dead Beautiful yet but I'm planning to! Life Eternal looks so good.
And the Near Witch, again- need to read. Enjoy your new books!
Awesome collection!
Looks like you got some great books this week (:
Happy Earth Day!
I got Life Eternal this week aswell, love the narnia-esque cover and I loved the first book!
Some great books in your mailbox Donna, Above and Don't expect magic look really good! Happy reading! :)
Great mailbox Donna. I really want to read Life Eternal. I have The Glimpse too, it sounds awesome, mine is not signed though :( lol.
Hope you enjoy all your books Donna.
Happy Reading!
Oooh, Above and Scarlet! I really want to read those two!
Um, the cover for Don't Expect Magic is a little off. Why are we looking up her skirt?!
Great mailboxes!
IMM @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews
Ohh Scarlet! I loved that book (: I hope you enjoy it too ^^
Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews
Great IMM.
I really want to read The Glimpse and Life Eternal.
The Lost Code sounds very interesting.
check out my IMM
Super awesome mailbox, Donna! I really want to read The Glimpse and The Lost Code! Enjoy! ;)
Been dying to read The Glimpse and Above. Got The Lost Code this week too. You guys get awesome stuff.
Some great books there Donna. I've still got Scarlet to read, had it from Netgalley a little while ago. Happy reading!!!
Jenny -Chocolate Chunky Munkie
My Video IMM
Wow! Don't expect magic looks amazing!! First time seeing it :) Great mailbox! Enjoy all your amazing books this week ;) :)
I can't wait to get a copy of 'Life Eternal'. I hope both you ladies enjoy the books that you got.
You can find my IMM here! CLICKY HERE! =D if you would like.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Awesome haul DOnna :) ! I'm dying to read Scarlet so I can't wait to know what you think of it ! Happy reading ;)
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