Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 41th US vs UK book cover battle. We've been taking a break for the past few weeks but we're back!!
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
US vs UK Round 41
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Jess says: US!!! Definitely US. I don't know what it is about it, but I fricken love it! Look at the amazing pose between Echo and Noah! I want to be Echo right there. I have this to read from Mira and I can't wait!! Squuuueeee! Love it!
Donna says: I can't believe Jess went with US! lol Nooooo....UK wins for me! I do like the US cover but the UK one stands out so much. I like that we can see the faces of the characters and I think there just perfect....although Noah needs to be a bit hotter. I've read this book and loved it so make sure you put it on you TBR list.
Jess says: Ohh tough. I like that both have kept the same model. It's really hard. I really like both covers, especially the colours. I think I'm going with the US for this too. I like the purple more I think. I like the birds flying in the background, and the font for 'Fated' is nice and creepy. I've yet to read more of Alyson Noel, but I may just pick this up just for the cover.
Donna says: This is a tough one and I like they've kept the same model BUT I much prefer the UK cover. I adore the yellow in the background and I like that we see more of the model and the fonts on the cover are better. UK for me!
UK for the first book and US for the second book.
I am going US for book one and UK for book two. I love this post and I am always happy when you showcase these!
Can I go for nether book covers for Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. I really dislike both cover quite a bit. As for Fated by Alyson Noel, I LOVE the UK one so much more than the US cover. I love how the yellow makes the book cover pop :) Natasha @ Paranormal Goddess Book Blog
WOW it's been a while since US vs UK was this easy for me!
I'm SOOOO going with the US covers, in both books!! Really...it just was that easy! YEY Jess!!! you rock for your picks! hehehehe
Don't worry Donna I still love you ;)
I definitely prefer the US version of PUSHING THE LIMITS - sooo hot. :D (Can't wait for this book; it sounds sooo awesome. Jealous you get to read it already.)
And by now I prefer the UK cover of FATED. When I first saw them a while ago, I preferred the US cover, because of the colours, but in comparison with the UK cover it just has to much negative space for me, which starts to look weird after a while. :D
I am US for both! I really want to read Fated, it looks amazing and I like the purple more than the yellow. Thanks for sharing, this is such a great meme! =]
All the covers are beautiful but I prefer the US ones for both. The couple standing in fron of the lockers is hot and I love the purple on Fated. :)
I didn't realise Pushing the limits had a different cover in the UK! I definitely prefer the UK one for that book.
I think UK gets my vote for Fated too - I do like the US one but we really don't see enough yellow on book covers these days. :P
US for book one & UK for book 2, which I am reading atm & loving :D
US for the first one, UK for the second one :).
I prefer the US cover for both of these books. I really don't like the UK one for Pushing the Limits
US for first and UK for the second :D
US for both!
I am going US for book one and UK for book two
Thanks for all your comments guys!!! =)
UK for pushing the limits and US for Fated because I like the colour better lol
I love the UK cover of Pushing the Limits .. I'm definitely adding this book to my wishlist !
I prefer the US cover of Fated though because I love purple !!
I think the UK cover has the edge for me in both instances.
I love the title font on the UK cover of Fated, and I think for Pushing the Limits, the UK cover has a little more atmosphere to it - the US cover looks just like a romance novel to me... Not unique in any way, really.
I love these posts! (I think you should look at The Pledge, if you haven't already - those covers are SO different :) )
Dani @ Pen to Paper
US definitely for Pushing The Limits. And UK for Fated. The yellow just stands out more.
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