Published Date: October 21st, 2011
Finished Date: October 27th, 2011
Source: For Review
Format: Kindle
Pages: Unknown
The Blurb from Goodreads: Policing relations between Heaven, Hell, and Earth is messy and violent, but Elise Kavanagh and James Faulkner excelled at it-- until coming across a job so brutal that even they couldn't stand to see one more dead body. Now they've been pretending to be normal for five years, leaving their horrific history a dark secret. Elise works in an office. James owns a business. None of their friends realize they used to be one of the world's best killing teams. After years of hiding, something stirs. Bodies are vanishing. Demons scurry in the shadows of the night. A child has been possessed. Some enemies aren't willing to let the secrets of the past stay dead...
The Review: 4.5 out of 5. Death’s Hand is the first in a new series featuring Elise Kavanagh and James Faulkner who are bound together as Kopis & Aspis , that’s Greek for sword and shield, Elise being the warrior and James being her protector. Its been that way for many years, ever since James found Elise practically dead under suspicious circumstances when she was a teen. Together they took on demons and all manner of hell spawn, banishing them back to where they came from for Elise was also an exorcist. After one particularly bad incident that nearly claimed Elise’s life they both decided to retire from the business and set about living their separate lives . . . . . That is until James asks Elise to investigate the possible possession of an acquaintance’s child and in doing so they open a whole can of worms that everyone will be wishing has stayed shut.
I’ll start of by saying that if you’re looking for a nice, sweet, romantic urban fantasy then look elsewhere! This book is gritty, scary and gruesome and full of things that would give you nightmares if you experienced just a fraction of what the main characters had gone through. Elise reminded me of a female Constantine (as in the Keanu Reeves character from the movie of the same name) a capable warrior & exorcist who just wants to get on with her new life as an accountant and forgetting all about anything to do with hell but is thrust into a power play of magnificent proportions. She is equipped with ‘gifts’ that came with her warrior status and both of them have joint abilities through the bond they have. She isn’t your standard UF heroine, she isn’t everyone’s friend, she doesn’t have all the hot men after her and she doesn’t have an unlimited income. What she is, is a genuine kick ass heroine, what she has been through has defined her and she doesn’t let people in easily. Her ‘shield’ is the only person in the world she trusts and would do anything for. Their relationship can’t be defined easily either leaving lots of questions needing answers. James could also be a very deep character and I feel we have a lot to learn about him especially from his ‘witch’ and ‘leader of a coven’ status and hope that gets explored in the books to follow.
The world that’s been created is quite complex but not confusing and we’re only just getting a glimpse of the possibilities of this series. The exorcism quotes alone must have taken some research but it is really intriguing and imaginative, leaving me with lots of questions but definitely wanting more . . . this is my kind of book and I will definitely be looking out for future books in this series and author.
I didn't even wait for any reviews to buy that one. I loved SM Reine's previous YA novels so much I figured I couldn't go wrong here. And your review is proof I did the right thing :-) !!
Excellent review Mel. I'm reading this at the moment and really enjoying it.
Hodgson:Italy Bukan Pirlo Saja
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – Pelatih Inggris Roy Hodgson menginstruksikan anak buahnya jangan terlalu fokus pada Andrea Pirlo jelang duel melawan Italy sabtu hari nanti.
“Wajar kalau orang terfokus pada Pirlo ,tapi masih ada banyak pemai berkualitas lain yang juga perlu di perhatikan .”ujarnya seperti diberitakan dari BBC Sport.
“Kami tak akan terpaku pada satu pemain saja karena tim tidak bergantung pada satu pemain,” tandasnya.
Peran Pirlo di Italy sangat dibutuhkan, karena ia salah satu pemain yang membawa Italy jadi Juara dunia delapan tahun yang lalu.
Ke Old Traford Van Gaal Ingin Bawa Stefan de Vrij
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – Sang bos baru asal Belanda yang musim depan nanti akan menangani The United ,ingin membawa anak asuhnya ke Old Traford.dan nama pemain tersebut adalah Stefan de vrij.
Kabar tersebut diberitakan oleh The Daily star yang menyebutkan pria belanda itu merasa kropos pasca ditinggal Rio Ferdinand dan Nemanja Vidic,dan ia menawarkan de Vrij.
Dana yang disiapkan pun merucut pada kisaran 20juta pounds,de vrij yang berusia 22 tahun tersebut ia masih berstatus pemain asal klub Feyenoord.
Kevin Strootman Terbaik Di Seri A
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet – kiprah Strootman bersama Srigala Roma memang menjanjikan,bahkan sebagai pemain tengah terbaik di seri A,dan AS Roma tidak akan melepasnya begitu saja.Di ungkapkan oleh salah satu mantan pemain mereka : Gaetano d’Agostino.
Bahkan pelatih Belanda yang akan menukangi Manchester united Louis Van Gaal menargetkan Strootman untuk bisa memperkuat United di musim depan,dan pihak Mu siap memberikan penawaran sebesar 30 juta pounds.
“kemampuan Strootman membuat ia banyak dikaitkan dengan rumor,namun saya pikir ia gelandang terbaik yg kami punya disini dan di Italia,ketika ia kembali dari cidera,ia akan membuat kontribusi yang hebat bersama roma”
Saya sendiri tak akan menjualnya, tegasnya tutur Agostino kepada Sport Italia
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