Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 22nd US vs UK book cover battle. We've seen this posted on a few other blogs, and thought we'd jump on the band wagon!
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
The Scores so far are:
US: 5 UK: 8 Draw: 7
US vs UK Round 22
Abandon by Meg Cabot
Jess says: Ahh this is a hard one for me. I love them both. But I think I prefer the UK solely based on the two different, light and dark colours. I love the reflection, and I love the font as well.
Donna says: Sorry US but no contest. UK hands down. The colours, the two different pictures showing light and dark it looks awesome.
Which do you prefer?
Jess Says: This is an easy one for me. I'm going with the UK again with this one. I love everything about the UK cover. The coloures, the big angel wing expanding across the front. It pretty much matches the cover to the 1st book, and I like matchy matchy covers :) UK for me.
Donna Says: I'm torn with these covers because they both have good and bad points but I think I'm going with the US. I love how it looks like the fire is coming out of the font and I can imagine it being all shiny on the cover like the first book. So US for me!
Which do you prefer?
Okay guys, this weeks US vs UK goes to.....UK with 3 votes
Come back next week for more US vs UK! :)

I think the UK wins both times, definitely! I like both the US covers as well, but the UK ones are better, I think :)
For me 1) UK 2) US (just because of the title - I don’t get the point of the model and the dress - also too, the girl on UK is exact replica as Angel Burn lol)
I prefer the UK covers for both!
UK for the first one, the US cover I have seen in person and it's soooo boring...not appealing to the eye at all.
for the second one though I deff have to say the US cover!! the UK cover just kinda creeps me out..lol (: Great picks girls!
UK for both.
UK for 1st. None for the other.
Abandon = Both
Angel Fire = US
UK cover for abandon, and I think I will go with UK for Angel Fire too.
UK covers, because they are actually reflecting the story, and I like it.
UK for Abandon, although it reminds me of the US Hex Hall covers.
US for Angel Fire, because I hate the UK cover! The picture of the girl is exactly the same image from the first book, photoshopped onto the lead singer of The Cure! Why do Willow and Alex look like goths? Willow's supposed to be a sunny blonde!
I think probably the UK for both - although Angel Fire cover isn't that great in either.
UK cover for Abandon, definitely. I love it! For Angel Fire, probably US, but not a huge fan of either.
The first one is definitely UK! I love that cover. Then I like the US one of the second. :)
I have to go with U.S. for both, especially the first. The U.K. cover for abandon feels like a total ripoff of the Hex Hall covers.
UK for both
I prefer the UK version of Abandon - the US one's so generic. It could be any paranormal romance book out there.
The same for the second, actually, and for the same reason!
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