Release Date: August 1st, 2013
Finished Date: February 4th, 2014
Publishers: Simon & Schuster UK
Genre: Older YA/Suspense/Thriller
Source: Bought
Genre: Older YA/Suspense/Thriller
Source: Bought
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
Pages: 320
It's Spring Break of senior year. Anna, her boyfriend Tate, her best friend Elise, and a few other close friends are off to a debaucherous trip to Aruba that promises to be the time of their lives. But when Elise is found brutally murdered, Anna finds herself trapped in a country not her own, fighting against vile and contemptuous accusations.
As Anna sets out to find her friend's killer; she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.
As she awaits the judge's decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine...
As Anna sets out to find her friend's killer; she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.
As she awaits the judge's decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine...
Review: One of if not the BEST YA books I've read in a loooong time! I'd wanted to read this book for so long, it's been sat on my shelf for ages screaming at me to pick up, because it knew, it knew, I would not be disappointed with...and...oh...my...God. I was totally blown away and on a total mind f**k after I finished.
This book was incredible. It was the best. It was amazing. It gripped me from page one with that 911 phone call...I was hooked...totally done for. Once I started I could not friggin stop! I just couldn't, it's just simply not possible with this book, and you'll find out yourselves when you read it...because you will. You should.
This book is an absolute gem. Told in alternating moments between the murder event, the interviews, the day before, the days leading up, the past, the trial and finally the outcome, you get all aspects of the story, all aspects of the relationship between Anna and Elise, it's all there. Every feeling, every emotion all on those pages that you will just keep turning and turning, until there are no more pages.
Dangerous Girls is a completely brilliant and well written book, that it left me (if I'm honest) slightly distrubed and freaked out when I finished. When reading this book, I went through all the emotions, but I don't believe anything really could have prepared me for that particular ending, it was just incredible, in fact it was so unbelievable that I went back and re-read the last 4 pages to make sure I read correctly, I couldn't in my wildest dreams have fathomed that particular outcome, and THAT's what blew my mind. That ending right there. One of the best endings I have read in a very long time, and that counts for all the genres I read.
Just touching on the friendship between Anna and Elise-It's an odd combination. One that will have you thinking for a while and not entirely trusting either of the girls. It's a tough one, but a well written one.
This book was just fantastic, it was, and if you like fast paced mysteries, emotional rollercoasters and shocking endings, then this THIS is the book you need and should be reading. Right now.
If you asked me to describe this book in a few words? Obsession. Obsession is a very very dangerous thing.
There is another book of a similar nature coming from this author called Dangerous Boys and I absolutely cannot WAIT to get my hands on it.
There isn't a lot more I can say really, I've already gushed enough. All I'll do is absolutely recommend this book to pretty much everyone. If you aren't reading it, or haven't read it yet. You should be. GO!
5 incredibly mind blowing stars from me.
This sounds like something that I will love - I especially love court cases. I have added it to my wishlist and will be looking for a copy soon. Just Reading for Fun
This is a new to me book, but I have to say it sounds really good. I haven't read many Thriller/suspense YA books. And you make me really curious about what happens at the ending. Great review!
I've heard really good things about this book. It sounds like a story that I'd really enjoy reading!
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