Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 49th US vs UK book cover battle.
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
The Scores so far are:
US: 12 UK: 18 Draw: 13
US vs UK Round 49
Between the Lines by Jodi Picolut

Jess says: I've not read anything by Jodi. But I heard her books are wonderful. As for these covers. I like them both but I definitely think I prefer the US cover.
Donna says: I really want to try and read this book soon but I have to say, I much prefer the US cover. The UK cover is nice but it almost looks like an older book rather than a teen book.
Jess says: Oooh a book I want to read. I've heard good things. I think I definitely prefer the US cover. The UK cover kinda looks like the game Final Fantasy. It just looks like it should belong on a video game or a manga rather than a YA book. So definitely the US.
Donna says: I really really enjoyed this book and my review will be here sometime this week but cover wise, I prefer the US one. I think it reflects Celaena so much more and the UK cover reminds me of a video game.
US for both. Never read anything by Jodie but I really wanna read Throne of Glass
I love this weekly battle! I think I prefer the U.S cover of the Jodi Picoult book, but I can't decide between the Throne of Glass covers, they're both so lovely! :)
I prefer the U.S cover for Between the line, but I like the final fantasy like theme for Throne of glass U.K version
Can't pick one with the Picoult books, but definitely US for Throne of Glass!
I think I'm going to have to agree with you both times - I definitely prefer both US covers this week!
I love these posts - cover love all the way!
Dani :)
I definitely prefer the US cover for the Jodi Picoult book, but the UK definitely wins for me for Throne of Glass - I actually like the video-game-like quality of it :)
The AUS cover for Between the Lines is different and my favourite out of the three. But I think out of these ones I prefer the US cover for BTL and the UK for Throne of Glass (mostly because it reminds me of video games and anime/manga) even though the US one is beautiful as well.
I love the UK Throne of Glass cover, i would probably buy it for that alone! Neither of the Jodi Picoult covers really appeal to me but if i had to pick one it would probably be the US cover :D
I like both of the UK covers. I guess the way the girl is laying on the US BTL cover just looks awkward to me. And the UK cover for TOG looks AWESOME! :)
I REALLY like both Throne of Glass covers, but OMG the US cover is STUNNING! I definitely think US wins out for me. For sure. :D
Great battle! ;) I really enjoy this meme!
Sierra @ Yearning toRead
UK for both this week. I absolutely love Throne of Glass UK cover. Thanks for sharing. :)
UK for both.
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