1. How did you come up with the idea for the book?
The main character, Lily, popped into my head first. It was late one night when I was just falling asleep. She stayed in my head even while I slept. I guess you could say I built the story around her after that.
2. Why vampires?
I saw my first vampire movie when I was seven years old. It was the only “monster” that did not scare me half to death but fascinated me instead. I saw every movie and read every book I could get my hands on after that. It was the most logical creature to start off my writing career.
3. How long did it take to write each book?
Each book took about a year, including translating (which I do), edits, and rewrites.
4. What was the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was finding the time. Between a full-time job, teaching private classes, full-time college, and my family, that was the biggest challenge. My family was very cooperative though and did not mind when I locked myself up in a room for hours at a time.
5. How many books do you plan on having in this series?
I planned to write three books and a prequel, but now, I have to rethink that. There could be so many more adventures with these characters.
**Book related questions that may contain spoilers**
6. Why did you decide to give each vampire separate powers?
I gave them each separate powers because they are all so different from each other. They are individuals, even though they are vampires, and their powers should somewhat match their personalities.
7. Practically all of the vampires can communicate mentally, why is it that some can’t – e.g. Aaron, will there be a reason for this or is it just one of those things?
There is a reason that Aaron cannot hear anyone else’s thoughts. We’ll just have to wait until book three for that one—sorry.
8. Will we get the other main characters back stories? Either in a spinoff or through this series? I’m particularly interested in the coven – Kalia & Aaron’s, Pierce & Aloysius.
The other characters’ backstories will be revealed in book three. We already know something about Kalia and how she ended up with Aaron, but Aaron is a bit more reserved. We will have to coax him to open up. As for Aloysius, he has big secrets he has been guarding. We will have to break down his wall as well.
9. With the introduction of the new super-naturals it has opened up a lot of possibilities for future storylines and a larger threat to all not just Lily, is that where you plan on taking the series?
I would definitely like to take the story as far as possible in book three. It was my intention to end it there, but there are definitely new possibilities… hmm.
10. I have loved reading of Lily blossoming throughout the 2 books, is there still more to come from her? Will we see her gain power and control the ones she has better?
We will definitely see Lily gain more control, not only of her powers and abilities, but also of herself and her life. She just needs to be a little more confident in herself and she could accomplish great things.
11. The ending to Datura was heart-breaking, will things ever be resolved?
The ending to Datura was very hard for me to write. I admit I cried as I typed even though I know what is going to happen. When I was attending a workshop at the Write Stuff Conference, the speaker said to take everything away from our main character and see how it felt. I hated it, but I wrote it down anyway. It ended up being the end of Datura. Don’t worry; things will be resolved though they can never be the same again. The resolution will bring new opportunities for Lily and Christian, along with some new family members.
12. Who would you cast in the movie of your books?
This is a tough question. For Lily I would go with Lily Laura Breckenridge. For Ian I would go with Jonathan Rhys Meyers. As for the other characters, I honestly have no idea.
13. Can you give us a teaser for book 3?
I can tell you that Lily will have some additions to her family. I can also say that she will figure out that “normal” is not all it’s cracked up to be and that she will learn to accept and embrace her new version of the word.
Thank you for joining us today LM!
Want more details about LM's books? Check out the blurbs below:

Thank you for joining us today LM!
Want more details about LM's books? Check out the blurbs below:

Lily is a tragic and lonely vampire, unwittingly brought into her existence by Ian, a selfish but beautiful maker who has captured her heart for decades, even though he left her with no compass on how to navigate her strange new world. When she meets a coven of vampires that takes her in and treats her like family, all she thought she knew is brought into question. Things are further complicated when she finally finds love – Christian, a human man. Just when she's finally found happiness, Ian reappears, threatening to destroy everything Lily holds dear. When he once again removes all her choices, Lily is thrown into a world where Ian's ongoing sins are unstoppable and her family and newfound love seem lost forever.

Central Avenue Publishing have kindly offered two lucky winner will win signed eBook editions of either Lily or Datura.
If you'd like to be in with a chance to win, fill out the rafflecopter form below and of course
Extra entries are available too.
Giveaway ends June 26th, 2012
And it's international.
the covers are absolutly stunning and eye catching :)
she sounds nice :) and I´d like to read the books as well, though I´m hearing about them for the first time ;)
and the covers are beautiful as well! they seem... vampirish :D
I love both covers! The girls are amazingly beauty and I really like the soft light on their faces;
Moreover the floreal decoration around the title is fantastic! If I would have to choose a book by its cover I would definitely read both Lily and Datura! (:
I love the covers! They are stunning!
Covers are mysterious and beautiful.
The covers are just lovely..the author seems like a cool person too
I really like the simplicity of the close-ups, as well as the colour schemes. Gorgeous flower/spiral motif too.
great covers
thanks for the giveaway
The covers are great and I love the design of the wording and the swirls within the wording. I think my fav cover is Datura. Thanks!
Both covers are gorgeous, but I do prefer the Datura one!
the covers are amazing
beautiful and very pretty !!!
chikojubilee at gmail dot com
Those covers look amazing!
The covers are beautiful! :D
I think the covers are mesmerizing
The covers are just awesome!!! Looove your blog. :)
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