Release Date: June 7th, 2012
Finished Date: May 28th, 2012
Finished Date: May 28th, 2012
Publishers: Bloomsbury UK
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Lucas is the son of the Chief Prosecutor for the Inquisition—the witches’ mortal enemy—and his privileged life is very different to the forbidden world that he lives alongside.
And then on the same day, it hits them both. Glory and Lucas develop the Fae—the mark of the witch. In one fell stroke, their lives are inextricably bound together, whether they like it or not . . .
The Review: Burn Mark is an interesting and enjoyable novel – one that is surrounded by magic, fate and danger. The story surrounds Glory, who comes from a family of witches and Lucas who comes from a family of Chief Prosecutors who hunt witches. They lead completely separate lives until one day they both develop the Fae mark – the mark of the witch and are thrown together by fate meaning Lucas and Glory’s lives are intertwined forever.
Every since I heard of Burn Mark, I knew it was a book I had
to read because it’s not often that Witch books grab my attention, but it’s hard
not to miss Burn Mark. Laura Powell has done a good job creating something very
different and something I’ve not read about before. The world building was good
and had a great premise however at times I felt a little overwhelmed, especially
at the start of the book with all the details and I did find I had to keep
re-reading paragraphs to make sure I fully understood everything. Don’t get me
wrong I like knowing all the details but preferably I like it spread out over
the book and I just felt there was too much to start with.
The characters were enjoyable and I much preferred to see
them together. I felt their story together was much more
interesting and had a faster setting as appose to when they were on their own,
they story just kind of plodded along. What I did enjoy was how their relationship
developed. It took time for them to trust each other and I felt it was very
All in all, Burn Mark was a enjoyable read. It wasn’t a favourite
but I’d definitely look out for more of theis authors work and I’d still
recommend it because it’s definitely worth a read.

I hadn't really heard of this one before (only seen the cover around), but I really like the way you describe it. Definitely need to take a closer look at it, even though I'm not a huge fan of too much information at once either. Thanks a lot for sharing, my dear! :)
I have this one for review also. I need to read it soon. I'm glad you enjoyed it, great review! :)
~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf
"I felt a little overwhelmed, especially at the start of the book with all the details and I did find I had to keep re-reading paragraphs to make sure I fully understood everything" This is exactly the way I felt with this book. I actually had a very similar take on this as you. I gave it 3 stars too. Great review.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I did enjoy the book but it was to much too soon, you know? I struggled with the alternative chapters too where it went back and forth to the two characters (Probably should of put that in my review) LOL. It was hard to keep up with what was going on. What did you think of the ending Suzanne? =)
So a bit of a mixed review? It's good to hear that the characters were good - especially when they were together - I love it when characters have proper chemistry, so I'm hoping that's what this means!
I have this to read, so I think I'm going to have to take it to London with me when I go for my work experience!
Dani :) x
Even though it wasn't a favourite, I'm glad you would still recommend this! The character dynamic sound interesting. Great review, Donna!
I like the idea of witch books, but I'm kind of scared to read this one knowing you were overwhelmed with too many details in the beginning. Great review, I'd be a little interested to see what this is really like. I like knowing that the characters take time getting used to one another.
I thought the ending was left very open, like it could be unfinished. Very easy to have another as a series or not to. I'm trying to think back. I can have a very bad memory at times, especially if its not one I loved :)
I keep forgetting I have this for review. lol. Can't wait to read it. Love the cover.
A little disappointing this wasn't AMAZING, as the combination of witches and fae promises something special, but I am really glad it's still worth the read! I especially like that the characters took time to trust... insta-love is getting tiring and frustrating. I have a copy that I need to try squeeze into my TBR soon, so I'm looking foward to seeing how I like it. I'm glad I read your fantastic review first though, so my expectations are in the right place!
i have had this book on my wishlist for a long time. i loved your review and im definitly looking forward to reading burn mark :)
This is in my TBR pile but I'm not sure if it's going to stay there...
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