Release Date: 7th July, 2014
Finished Date: 31st July, 2014
Publishers: Little Tiger Press
Genre: Children's picture book
Ages: 3-6 years
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Genre: Children's picture book
Ages: 3-6 years
Source: For Review
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
Archie is a rhino with a LOT of questions. He wants to know everything: "Why glue is so sticky? Why do dropped things go SMASH?" If only finding out was a little less messy...Everybody's much-loved rhino returns in this brand-new sequel to No! from the wonderful Tracey Corderoy (Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam and The Little White Owl) and award-winning Tim Warnes (I Don't Want to Go to Bed). Brimming with gorgeous illustrations, this warm, funny book is guaranteed to become a firm favourite. A must for all families with curious toddlers who just love to ask "WHY?"
The Review: Archie the Rhino wants to know everything and he’s constantly questioning his parents and driving them a little crazy with all of his why questions. But, that’s the best part about this story. How many of us parents have been in the same situations? You know the ones, where your children won’t stop asking you questions or when they ask you a question – in public – that’s pretty embarrassing? I’m betting we’ve all been there but that’s the beauty of children, their so innocent and see the world from a different view, and that’s the beauty of this story.
My daughter Isabel and I enjoyed this very much. It’s a quick read but it’s one that keeps you thoroughly entertained. I think for us, it was such a good read because it was so easy being able to put on Archie’s voice and so my daughter laughed all the way through. While reading the story, Isabel even started answering some of Archie’s questions like “Why are the little stars so bright and twinkly?” Clearly she didn’t know the real answers, she is only 3 years old after all, but she did enjoy making them up and sometimes even came close to the truth. I even found after we’d finished, she was asking questions in relation to the book. So Why? could be quite educational in some aspects too.
In all, Why? is a very funny and realistic story that many young children and parents will enjoy and, I’d love to see more from Archie the Rhino and his questions.
Thank you to Little Tiger Press for giving me the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest review.

Awww cute that you got Isabel in on the review =D
Buying this for my nephew! :)
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