Last week was pretty exciting for me. Not only did I get the chance to meet one author, but yes, I got to meet two.
On Tuesday, Waterstones in Birmingham was holding an evening with Rainbow Rowell. I went to this event with Misty from Bookaholic Book Club and when we arrived at 6.30pm – the event was due to at 7pm – the waiting line was already massive! It was around 7.10pm that they started letting everyone in and it was packed. Rainbow Rowell was at the front of the group and instead of doing a reading; she did a Q&A and boy, is she funny! She was a bit nervous and I think that it showed to start with but still, her humorous personality shone.
People were asking her questions that she happily answered and she talked about Eleanor and Park movie and there were a lot of questions to Fangirl, and then it was signing time. We waited about an hour for our books to be signed just because we were close to the back, but it was lovely to meet her and I did get book signed for one lucky winner too!

Then on Saturday, it was Mila Gray aka Sarah Alderson’s event. I’ve actually met Sarah Alderson once before when I went to a Simon & Schuster event but this was the first time I’ve met her to promote her newest book, Come Back to Me which she published under a pen name.
I travelled to London from Birmingham and arrived at around 10.30am. I promptly met up with Jess (co-blogger) and then Jasprit from The Readers Den. We grabbed a quick bite to eat in Kings Cross – which was lovely, and then we headed straight over to Drink, Stop and Do where Mila’s event was being held. And let me tell you, Drink, Stop and Do is such a unique and retro shop. You wouldn’t tell from the outside but its lovely inside and they have so many delicious cakes to offer and not only that, the place was packed with hen parties doing arts and crafts. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
Anyway back to the event. We arrived at 11.45am and Mila was already there. We had a lovely private table with teacups and lollipop’s awaiting us. It was there we met up with Emma from Never Judge a Book by its Cover. This was our first time meeting but she was oh so lovely. A few other bloggers arrived and then the event started and we were bought different flavours of tea, water, cakes, sandwiches and scones to eat and champagne. It was so very British and very yummy. Mila signed our books and we talked about her newest release, covers, Fifty Shades, her trip to America and of course, what’s coming next for her.
We were also given little goodie bags containing a notebook, chocolates and a copy of Come Back to Me. And of course there were many pictures. It was a quiet event and I loved it all the more. We were able to talk to Sarah one on one which we’ve never really had the chance to do before and it was lovely to meet her again.
So, yep, that’s been my week! And I didn’t forget about you guys at all. So I purchased an extra copy of Fangirl which is signed and also a Fangirl tote bag and I’ll also throw in a copy of Come Back to Me – which will be pre-order, so the winner will not receive the book until it releases around October 23rd. And thank you to Pan Macmilliam!
So want to enter?
All you need to do is fill the rafflecopter details in below. The giveaway will run until 12th September!
All you need to do is fill the rafflecopter details in below. The giveaway will run until 12th September!
Good luck!
I just recently read Eleanor & Park and loooved it. I would love to read more of Rainbow Rowell's work and Come Back to Me is highly recommended on goodreads. (I'm dying of envy here) :P
I'd love to win because this is new to me and I think I'd enjoy it.
Christina R. in the rafflecopter
I LOVE Rainbow Rowell's writing, that's why I'd love to win and I think her characters always rock.
Sarah's books also sound awesome!
thank you :)
Ive read sarah Aldersons books and loved them and this one sounds awesome. Never heard of the other author so that would be a good read :)
I love Rowell's books!! I'd love to win it *__*
I want to win because I've heard so many good things about Rainbow Rowell, but haven't had the chance to read her work yet. And Come Back to Me sounds amazing!
Im not entering but just wanted to say that Im so glad you had fun :) The Mila Gray event sounded amazing!!
This is a brilliant recap Donna! I'm glad that you were able to meet two fantastic authors in one week! Rainbow sounds like a lot of fun! And it was great meeting up with you again! I hope we get to meet each other at many more future events! :)
I absolutely adored FANGIRL but only have a digital copy... right now. COME BACK TO ME sounds like a great book to read before summer is over. What a fun event!
I'm so jealous! I live not far from Birmingham as well :(
Oh this is lovely recap Donna! I didn't realise you saw Rainbow Rowell as well. Very jealous. It was so lovely meeting you after talking for so long. I hope we get too meet up soon and/or at other events! :)
I want to win these books because I've been wanting to read Fangirl forever. Literally. Okay I'm not exaggerating (okay maybe I am a little). It sounds like such an awesome read!
I would love to win! I haven't read any of Rowell's books yet.
I want to win Fangirl! I have it on ebook but would love to have a signed copy as well!
thanks for the giveaway! :D
Because I've heard amazing things about Fangirl and I'm dying to read it, dying I said! lol So thank you for the international opportunity, fingers crossed :)
Ohhh I`d be happy with anything :)
I would absolutely love to win a signed copy of Fangirl! Rainbow Rowell is a writing genius and Eleanor And Park was sooo sweet! ^_^
I'd love to win this because both of these books look great and I've wanted to read Fangirl for awhile now! thank you for the chance!
Well I never read Fangirl so it would be cool to win and get to read it. Plus I never had a sign book before!
I love Rainbow Rowell & I want to read Fangirl sooo bad! >:<
I am a HUGE fan of Rainbow Rowell, HUGE!!!! I would loveeeeeeee this!
I love Raimbow Rowell's work! Recently I've read Landline!
how great giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to win! I haven't read any of Rowell's books yet. thank u soooooo much!!!!!
my follower name is Maria Petrillo :P
I love Raimbow Rowell!
Ahh! I would love to win Fangirl! I've been dying to read it for a while now.
I want to win because I haven't
had the chance to read Fangirl yet and I really want to.
I haven't read Fangirl but I've heard SO MUCH BEAUTY about it, so I'm excited!
Oh man, Fangirl is one of my favorite books! I would love to have a signed copy.
I love Rainbow Rowell's writing and I really would like to have a signed copy. Also I'm excited for Come Back to Me, I've read amazing reviews and I can't wait to read it.
Rainbow Rowell seems like a really fun and amazing person! I would love to meet her myself! I love Fangirl sooo much, it would be great own a copy AND a tote bag! :)
Are you really asking book-lovers why do they want more books? I need to feed my soul ;)
It would be wonderful to win and I would love to win because I havent had the chance to read fan girl (:
I've heard so many good things about "Fan Girl". I'm Italian and I'd like to read it in the original language! fingers crossed :)
Mail: nessparker@outlook.it
I have yet to read any YA Rainbow Rowell book and this one seems cute and great. Thank you for the giveaway :)
I have to read this book . this book is so great and cute . Thanks for this post ! keep it up!
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