Release Date: October 25th, 2013
Finished Date: December 1st, 2013
Publishers: Self Published
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Romance
Source: For Review
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Romance
Source: For Review
Format: eARC
Pages: 391
Pages: 391
Only a demon can save the souls trapped in Hell.
Elise Kavanagh failed to prevent the Breaking, and now Hell is spilling onto Earth. Now she's delved deep into the City of Dis in an attempt to stop the infernal armies--but even the legendary Godslayer is unprepared to face Dis's fiercest demons, not to mention the responsibility of liberating the humans they've enslaved.
On Earth, rogue angel Nash Adamson is wing-deep in damage control after the Breaking, and his fellow angels don't want to get involved. War is approaching the werewolf sanctuary. If Heaven won't help them, he'll have to turn to Hell for salvation.
Everything hinges on who can control the Palace of Dis. Elise and her allies have no choice but to rule by steel...
Elise Kavanagh failed to prevent the Breaking, and now Hell is spilling onto Earth. Now she's delved deep into the City of Dis in an attempt to stop the infernal armies--but even the legendary Godslayer is unprepared to face Dis's fiercest demons, not to mention the responsibility of liberating the humans they've enslaved.
On Earth, rogue angel Nash Adamson is wing-deep in damage control after the Breaking, and his fellow angels don't want to get involved. War is approaching the werewolf sanctuary. If Heaven won't help them, he'll have to turn to Hell for salvation.
Everything hinges on who can control the Palace of Dis. Elise and her allies have no choice but to rule by steel...
The Review: Ruled by Steel is yet another amazing instalment in the Ascension series…. As the synopsis states, Elise failed to stop the ‘Breaking’ and now Hell is bleeding onto Earth so that now there’s only one option for Elise, she must go to Dis/Hell and take control in an attempt to stop the threat to Earth… whilst on Earth, Nash tries to fight of the demons, get everyone to safety , protect the werewolf sanctuary and rally the angels to help save the humans. Will his pleas fall on deaf ears when his brethren view him as a traitor? Everything hangs on Elise and what she plans to do in Hell. It was great to see Elise back in action, she is still struggling with her need to feed which also links to her evolving emotionally too, she seems to be struggling with her empathy and blaming it on Eves influence – but is it? She’s uncomfortable with being responsible for others, she’s unsure about caring for people, feeling that by doing so will put them in danger and she is still freaked out by peoples declarations of friendship, scared when they get too close, get hurt or worse betray her like James…. But she is letting people in which is a big step and I love the connection she feels towards the pack members, Rylie in particular & also Neuma. I wasn’t sure about the feeding discovery, it seemed a bit weird to me and I like it when she devours demons, it gives her a sort of invincibility in my eyes… but I’m happy to go along with it. I loved the developments between Elise & James, she seems to soften towards him a lot in this and I love how they communicate through their bond. I still have hope but feel it’s a long way off. Our setting changes this time as Elise takes on hell in a big way! I always say this for these books; they would look stunning visually. I loved the setting, the descriptions of Dis, the ‘House of Abraxus’, the palace, the bridge…. Begs to be seen and gave most of the book a different feel, more fantasy, more desperate as the setting opens up to more horror and introduces us to the demon lords of Dis, depraved, power hungry monsters who have the most despicable plans in place for the humans and use those they have in the worst ways. I wanted to know more about these lords, their hierarchy, who each one is and what they do… I loved what we got but there’s always room for more. I liked that we got a viewpoint from more than one place of interest – Earth with Nash, Dis with Elise & some curious places with James – I really enjoyed all of their point of views and they each add something that connects everything so easily. The pack did take a backseat in this as they mourn the loss of a loved one but they still make a big impact and I really love the way they embrace Elise as one of their own. I loved the developments within the story and whilst there is a lot of action, a lot of killing & battle… there are also some twists and turns along the way with some surprising consequences which makes me very excited for the next instalment…. This one was epic so bring on book 4 – Caged in Bone… even the title makes me curious for more.

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