Welcome to Book Passion for Life's 56th US vs UK book cover battle.
The idea of this battle is once a week we'll post 2 sets of books of our choice, one US cover and one UK cover, and we'll just give our opinion on which one we love the most. Which cover captures the story, which one would catch our eye if we saw it on the shelf in a shop. The US cover will be on the left, and the UK cover will be on the right.
The Scores so far are:
US: 16 UK: 18 Draw: 22
US vs UK Round 56
Love? Maybe by Heather Helper

Donna says: I only came across this book on Friday and I know it's one I want to read when it's released. It sounds like a fun read but cover wise, I have to go with the UK. I really like both covers but I think the colours (red) on the UK stands out more and I also like that the girl is in the picture and the fonts used on the cover too are better than the US.
Donna says: This one is a pretty easy pick for me and I have to go with the US. Compared to the UK one, it doesn't stand a chance. The UK one is pretty boring and it doesn't scream "READ ME" I love the US for the apple and how it looks like a jigsaw and I like how the E and D on the title is back to front. A great cover from the US!
I prefer the US one too. The UK cover doesn't stand out to me at all.
I love both of the covers for Love? Maybe. Both are eye-catching but I do like the red of the UK one. Eve and Adam is really easy to decide. The US definitely, the UK one is just bland and boring and if I say it in the shop I wouldnt be tempted to even pick it up.
I prefer the US cover for both of them. Especially Eve & Adam - the UK cover is pretty boring and.. average I think.
I have to go the US covers for both! Obviously for Eve & Adam because it's just all the more STRIKING than the UK one and the whole apple thing is pretty darn cool. I like both covers for Love? Maybe, but I prefer the colours and simplicity of the US one!
Think I prefer the us covers for both.
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Cover Cover On The Blog
I love the UK cover of Love? Maybe; they capture the story in the cover more than the US. The US is simple, that's not a bad thing, but its doesn't quite grab my attention compared to the UK version. And I have to go for the US cover for Eve & Adam; this one grab my attention instantly and has a different yet unique twist to the title, I think.
I agree, the UK cover of Love Maybe stands out more and the same goes for the US cover of Even & Adam. Actually, this is my first time seeing the UK cover for E&A, and I can't say I'm a fan. :P
Ooh, tricky! I think the UK one just wins for Love? Maybe, but I love the candy around the US one! And the US one for Eve & Adam definitely wins for me, it is so unique and eye-catching. Thanks for posting! :)
Ooh, you have me craving love hearts now, lol! I think it's an easy US win for both for me this week! Thanks for sharing. :)
US for both. Especially Eve and Adam. I like this cover.
The first one is difficult. I like them both, but I think I'm going for UK. I love the red. For Eve & Adam it's really simple. US.
For Love Maybe I prefer the UK but for Eve & Adam I prefer the US :)
UK covers are always so cool!
I totally agree with you on both, the love? maybe covers are both cute but the red does stand out more and the US cover of Eve and Adam is awesome, I can't wait for that one to be released!
I have to say, I like the US covers on both. I love this meme, because I love books covers! :)
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