The High Gate Vampire.
To celebrate the release of Rebecca Maizels novel Stolen Night sequel to Infinite Days, we wanted to do an interesting blog tour for her amazing novel. So on our blog today we wanted to celebrate the release of Stolen Night, now if you don't know about Rebecca's novels the vampires were not so nice at the beginning, so we're going to start by telling you about a vampire story from long ago in London... The High Gate Vampire.
1839 is when the cemetery was opened to the dead. Built by Victorian hands and sealed with the love of loved ones buried there. Hate, love and vampires hung in the air and here's the story......
Two seemingly unconnected incidents occurred within weeks of one another in early 1967. The first involved two 16-year-old convent girls who were walking home at night after having visited friends in Highgate Village. Their return journey took them down Swains Lane past the cemetery. They could not believe their eyes as they passed the graveyard’s north gate at the top of the lane, for in front of them bodies appeared to be emerging from their tombs. One of these schoolgirls later suffered nightly visitations and blood loss. The second incident, some weeks later, involved an engaged couple who were walking down the same lane. Suddenly the female shrieked as she glimpsed something hideous hovering behind the gate’s iron railings. Then her fiancé saw it. They both stood frozen to the ground as the spectre held them in thrall. Its face bore an expression of basilisk horror. Soon others sighted the same phenomenon as it hovered along the path behind the gate where gravestones are visible either side until consumed in darkness. Before long people were talking in hushed tones about the rumoured haunting in local pubs. Some who actually witnessed the spectral figure wrote to their local newspaper to share their experience. Discovery was made of animal carcasses drained of blood.

They had been so exsanguinated that a forensic sample could not be found. It was only a matter of time before a person was found in the cemetery in a pool of blood. This victim died of wounds to the throat. The police made every attempt to cover-up the vampiristic nature of the death. Seán Manchester informed the public on 27 February 1970 that the cause was most probably a vampire. He appeared on television on 13 March 1970 and repeated his theory. The VRS, whose specialist unit within a larger investigatory organisation (now defunct) had opened the case twelve months earlier, established a history of similar hauntings that went back to before the graveyard existed. A suspected tomb was located and a spoken exorcism performed. This proved to be ineffective.
Life around high gate doesn't sound so good does it? Hopefully that vampire will turn good like Rebecca's ones. Until next time .... Mwahahaha.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
hum if i'm correct it was the 13 march 1970, thank you a lot for the international giveaway
all the best
13 March 1970
(Friday) 13 March 1970. Thanks for the Giveaway. I remember when the Infinite Days came out and read it. I can't wait for the sequel to come out. :)
13th March 1970!
He appeared on television on 13 March 1970! thanks for the giveaway!!
I'm going with the crowd March 13th 1970 :). I'm dying for STOLEN NIGHT so thank you for being International :).
He was on TV on the 13 March 1970!
Thanks for the giveaway, its been so long since book one so thanks for the reminder about book two as well :)
It would appear to have been the 13th of March, 1970, if I'm not mistaken. Thanks
13 March 1970
13 March 1970 :) thank you for the international giveaway!
Sounds creepy, love it! 13 March 1970! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
13 March 1970
This is a great post:)
Thank you:)
March 13, 1970.
Thank you for the giveaway! 13th March 1970
I'm so happy because this giveaway it is interntional...
13 March 1970
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Highgate is one of the most atmospheric places I have ever been x
13 March 1970! :)
March, 13, 1970.
Thanks for the giveaway! :D
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