Expected Release Date: October 23rd, 2012
Finished Date: August 10th, 2012
Publishers: Harlequin Teen
Source: ARC For Review
Format: Kindle
That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he's dare to fall for.
Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister's world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myths and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.
My name is Ethan Chase. And I may not live to see my eighteenth birthday.
The Review: Julie Kagawa is back with this spin off series to The Iron Fey and The Lost Prince is the first in the series. It's magical, spell-bounding and dark and let's not forget....dangerous and it is so great to be back in this compelling world.
Ethan Chase knows all about the Fey because his sister, Meghan is The Iron Queen. He tries to avoid the fey and he tries to never attracts attention to himself. He basically hides away from the world other than going to school and doing Filipino martial arts, and it saddens him to sees the disappointment in his parents eyes at what he's become. He never meant to become this person but knowing about the Fey can do that to a person. Eventually Ethan is dragged into the world of Faery and despite his best efforts, he drags Kenzie, a girl from school along with him. Now Ethan and Kenzie must go on a journey into Faery to warn Meghan, that there is a new kind of Fey attacking the half-breeds and exiles and in the process try to rescue his friend that has been kidnapped.
It's no secret how much I adore The Iron Fey series. It's one of my top favourite series ever so when I heard Julie was releasing a spin off series, I knew I had to read it. Julie is one of those authors that I will love anything that she writes. She has a very creative imagination and she has a keen eye for detail. She makes her stories come to lifebecause there so vivid and full of twists and turns. Julie really raises the bar with every story she writes and weaves in complex story line's that are full of pure awesomeness.
With this story being told from Ethan's point of view, we see a whole new outlook to the Fey. Ethan hates them and it really clouds his judgement. He can't look past the fact that the Fey were responsible for taking Meghan away from his family. I liked Ethan. It was hard to get used to picturing him as a 17 year old boy because in previous books he was only 4 years old. He's changed so much and I can't help feel sorry for him. I wanted him to come to terms with his sister's fate and I wanted to see him overcome his angry to the Fey, and as the story progresses we do see that. Kenzie played a big role in Ethan's progress. She's introduced to world she knows nothing about and she really takes it on the chin. She doesn't stand for Ethan's rudeness or anger. I really enjoyed them together and I'm excited to see where they next go.
Now this book wouldn't be the same without an appearance from Meghan, Puck, Grim, Razor and of course....ASH! Oh, Ash how I've missed you! As soon as he came on the scene, I got butterflies in my stomach. He's one of my ultimate book boyfriends so I wanted him in this story. All though his role is small, it's better than nothing. And of course it was nice to see the other characters too. We also see new characters like Annwly & Keirran. If you've read The Iron Knight then you'll know who Keirran is but I loved him. He can be my Ash substitute and I'm VERY eager to see what lies ahead for him.
Overall, fans of The Iron Fey will love this instalment from Julie Kagawa. She doesn't disappointment and delivers an intriguing, unique and captivating story with The Lost Prince. A must read!
A big thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

That's a great review :). I can't wait to read this book ! I love the Iron Feys series and i'm sure i'm going to love this one too !
Marie from ifmarybooks.blogspot.com
Ahh, I can't wait to read this book, but I still need to finish the Iron Fey series first. I love it and am so close. Great review!
Fab review, Donna! This has been catching my eye lately, but as you know I need to start the Iron Fey series, I will soon though. Do you think this could be read without reading the other series? :)
Love the review. I'll take a harder look at the series. :-)
Yaaayyy, I'm glad you like this one! I can't wait to re-visit Ash, Puck, Grimalkin and Megan and see Ethan as a 17 year old! Hopefully I'll be able to read it this month.
Great review! ^__^
"Keirran? Keirran? Who the hell is Keirran?"
*runs to google*
*has a massive OHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU IDIOT, BRODIE* moment. I remember now! I am SO excited to see him in this story! As excited as I am seeing our little Ethan all grown up. But it doesn't sound like things are going great for him :(
I can't wait to journey back into this world, with new twists, new characters and... yay! appearances from our old favourites! Even if they are only short, I'll deal :D
Counting down the days until I get my hands on this. Awesome review!
AHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE your review hun! I cannot freakin wait to get my hands on this! :D Awesome awesome review, made me ten times more excited then I already was ha! (:
Why must you put such a wonderful review up and make me want this book even more than I did beforehand? haha. Again wonderful review! I'm so eager to see our little Ethan all grown up. :)
Oehhh, I have this book on Netgalley and it will be the first books I'm going to read when I finishe the ones I'm reading at the moment ^^ It sounds delicious and wonderful. You are right: I love everything Kagawa writes.
Eeek, I can't read this!! I have this and I'll hopefully find time to read it soon. Glad you enjoyed it, I can't wait to see more of Ash either :)
I still haven't read the Iron Fey series (gasp!), but it is on my list. I'm so glad to see a spin-off though, and such an interesting one at that. And that cover!
Nice review.
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